You will find in the Oct. NumberAs Written:No. of Jour. some rulesEditorial Note: See “The Educational System of Christian Science, Mind Healing” by Mary Baker G. Eddy on pages 158-159 of the October 1886 issue of The Christian Science Journal. to be used uniformly in the establishment of Christian Science Schools. I think you will agree with me on the subject as you and I would observe the Ecclesiastic rule "to have all things done decently and in order"I Cor 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order. I hope you will locate your School and reduce your faculty to three members and go on prosperously. Three Institutes Chartered under the law will aid each other in that CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois that my students seem about to surrender to the Charlatans of this period. I must insist that no reference to me be made in your Circular at present other than that you have been students at my College. The Press must be met and the battles of the Lord fought according to Revelation 12, 7,Rev 12:7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, before Institutions or individuals can succeed As Written: succed in this revolutionary struggle for Truth.
P. S. My love to Mrs Day