My dear Mrs Loveland
Your copy Friendship As Written: Frendship Love and TruthEditorial Note: This is probably a reference to Zoe Seymour Loveland's article, "Love and Logic," that would be published the following month in the November 1888 issue of The Christian Science Journal. just read. Accept my profound thanks.
I need not say I had before become interested in your writings.
The above article is fair in point of reasoning, full of ethics, and useful sayings. I accept with pleasure your propositions made through my much esteemed student Mr. B- Sherman But I desire that you first take the Primary Course with me and I will give you instruction in this class for one year' of monthly contributions to the C. S. Journal. Hoping that you will give us as lengthy articles as the occasions may require
I wish to have you graduate at my College. Then you can form an institution of your own under grant of mine that is legally a College. You will see in the ad. in C. S. Jour that to graduate at my College one must enter my primary Class. I will help you in future to go through if you so desire.
A word about Moses and I, relatively.
He smote the rockEx 17:6 Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. through personal pride, I fear. I have smitten it from and in the depths of humility I have put myself before the public apparently egotistically only as a condemned man testifies in self-defense As Written: self defense to save a brother. When I wrote the first edition of Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I shrunk from the personal pronoun I and where I must speak of myself used the words we and us. The spiritualists noticing this seized it as a strong evidence that I had stolen my book and was evading the name of a predecessor in Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. I found it necessary to go all over my book and change it, (so great was this cry) to I, instead of we.
When my student went into practice I did the healing for him sitting in a cold gloomy As Written: gloony anteroom As Written: anti room while he was in the front office as the physician. This I did because my first student stopped his practice the first As Written: fist year; so great was the persecution and to get one started I had to do the work at first, and not be seen in doing it
I was pleased with this out-of-sight labor, liked it much better than to be in front, until I was brought to a stand, thus. The aforesaid student was the discoverer of the method of reversing mental argument and subverting the Mind method of healing, by mental malpractice, or hypnotism of a more subtle sort.
This forced me again out from under cover, and then I had to be personal in theory and practice to help the people to discriminate As Written: descriminate between the safe and unsafe method. This was an ordeal for such a sensitive nature as mine that shrunk from publicity, even, and abhorred As Written: abhored egotism. But this same necessity has been kept up For the student aforesaid vowed vengeance on me, and has kept his vow pressing into his service, or into his method, hundreds since then of natures similar to his own
I have not hinted even at the necessity that binds me to speak for Christ assured words. To do this, I have to relate experience and history when so many are profaning the footsteps of Christian science.