Accession: L11013
Editorial Title: Mary Baker Eddy to Ellen Brown Linscott, September 12, 1887
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Recipient: Ellen Brown Linscott 
Date: September 12, 1887
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mary Baker Eddy on lined Massachusetts Metaphysical College stationery.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student,

Your kind letter at hand. I can only say there is but one side to chooseAs Written:chose.

To be consistent ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists God will require us to learn this, to know it, & to stand; and having done all, and then failing of the reward here, to standEph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. . "A word to the wise" Be wary of the snare laid by the subtlest to get the loyal C S's names into line with the disloyalAs Written:dysloyal. to stand; and having done all, and then failing of the reward here, to standMatt 13:24 ¶Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Matt 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matt 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Matt 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? Matt 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Matt 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Matt 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

A literary contest in the Inter Ocean would lay bare As Written: bear the weak points on our side. The enemy has captured my literati, and my loyal ones are not given to the pen.

May our FatherEditorial Note: God turn the water into wine, then Truth will sober sense, and error will yieldAs Written:yeild to Truth, and Love will be the beverage of Spirit at the weddingAs Written:weding feastJohn 2:1 And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: John 2:2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. John 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. John 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. John 2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. John 2:6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. John 2:7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. John 2:8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. John 2:9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, John 2:10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. John 2:11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.

As ever
M B G Eddy

Am so glad to hear about Hammond! You always had a humanizing effect on certain points

How important that this book that God dictatedEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy should be our only standard, especially, now that so many are trying to raise false standards in the name of Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. Let us as loyal adherents draw up nearer to the book that has the divine signet upon it and hold this one banner aloft. Then we shall put to flight the aliens. I am routing them in New YorkAs Written:N. Y. through a good armor bearer

Dr. Sawyer is redeeming his name and giving it to history along with my other dear students

He is doing more than any other man at present for our Common CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.

Help your dear husband [?] Unclear or illegible  ripen. He must lecture soon. That is our one need I am working hard to fit Dr. Reynolds, but this kind is slow and sure

again Lovingly


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Student,

Your kind letter at hand. I can only [?] Unclear or illegible say there is but one side to choseCorrected:choose.

To be consistent ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists God will require us to learn this, to know it, & to stand; and h [?] Unclear or illegible aving [?] Unclear or illegible  done all, and then failing of the reward here, to standEph 6:13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. . "A word to the wise" Be wary of the snare laid by the subtlest to get the loyal ChC S's names into line with the dysloyalCorrected:disloyal. to stand; and h [?] Unclear or illegible aving [?] Unclear or illegible  done all, and then failing of the reward here, to standMatt 13:24 ¶Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: Matt 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matt 13:26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Matt 13:27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares? Matt 13:28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? Matt 13:29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Matt 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

A literary contest in the Inter Ocean would lay bear Corrected: bare the weak points on our side. The enemy has captured my literati, and my loyal ones are not given to the pen.

May our FatherEditorial Note: God turn the weaater into wine, then Truth will sober sense, and error will yeildCorrected:yield to Truth, and Love will be the [?] Unclear or illegible beverage of Spirit at the wedingCorrected:wedding feastJohn 2:1 And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: John 2:2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. John 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. John 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. John 2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. John 2:6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. John 2:7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. John 2:8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. John 2:9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, John 2:10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. John 2:11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.

As ever
M B G Eddy

Am so glad to hear about Hammond! You always had a humanizing effect on certain points

How important that this [?] Unclear or illegible book that God dictatedEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy should be our only standard, especially, now that so many are trying to raise false standards in the name of C. S.Expanded:Christian Science Let us as loyal adherents draw up near [?] Unclear or illegible er to the book that has the divine signet upon it and hold this one banner aloft. Then we shall put to flight the aliens. I am routing them in N. Y.Expanded:New York through a good armor bearer

Dr. Sawyer is red [?] Unclear or illegible eeming his name and giving it to history along with my other dear onesstudents

He is doing more than any other man at present for our Common CauseEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science.

Help your dear husband [?] Unclear or illegible  ripen. He must lecture soon. That is our one need I am working hard to fit Dr. Reynolds, but this kind is slow and sure

again Lovingly


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Christian Scientists God Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy The cause of Christian Science