We are righting up the old ship of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science -- she is headed for port; strong gallant, brave, she walks the wave and rides the storm. If only her crew is faithful and sticks to the helm and mans the vessel honestly and persistently all will be well. All hail! for the dear C. S. A. in ChicagoEditorial Note: The Christian Scientist Association of Chicago was a branch of the C.S.A in Boston, Massachusetts.. Col. Smith will take you by the hand soon and say God bless you for me
On due consideration is it not better to admit the students of Dr Avery since you are admitting others? You want members for work and will find you need them
He seems sound in the letter and Spirit of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in everything but the use of drugs
Do as you think best it is not for me to say
Mrs. Poole is again employing an enemy to us, to treat her for me. Think of that! I who have given her so much time to save her from sickness and sin