July 28.
My dear Student,
I have so much to remind me of you when Dr.Editorial Note: Arthur T. Buswell did not have a medical degree, but in the nineteenth century, persons practicing various “healing arts” were often called “doctor.” Buswell is present, that I thought to while away a weary hour I would write you a few lines telling you in brief how I am changed. I see it in the mirror and my heart tells me it every hour. I would like more than ever to be myself again if only for one short year that I might establish our causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. on a firmer foothold than ever yet it has been. But I question my ability to walk over all, only as God gives me aid that I never have had before
I love this mountain scenery and see in its rock-ribbedAs Written:rock-ribed rest a home for the raven's callow brood but not for me
The world was for others
It was not for me
I was made a lone isle
In life's desolate sea
Write me wont you? We shall return soon to the stately halls of my Boston homeEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy was living at the time in the Massachusetts Metaphysical College building on Columbus Avenue in Boston, Massachusetts. but the walls whisper a secret they tell me home is not there since Gilbert has goneEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy’s husband, Asa Gilbert Eddy, died on June 3, 1882..