There are certain irregularities in your AssoEditorial Note: The Chicago Christian Scientist Association was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. to which I must refer -- 1st Reporting the contents of my private letters before the Ass. These letters are written from insufficient knowledge of the general facts, often in reply to private grievances, and not always what I should say if the questions were presented from both sides, pro and con. 2ndAs Written:2ond I have not time to attend to business that does not pertain constitutionally to my Office, I am willing to accommodateAs Written:accamodate all, and wish to do good to all, if there was ample evidence furnished, for me to give advice to the advantage of you all. But this is not always the case
3rd In consideration of all this, and the great wisdom and charity requisite for the President of the C. S. A. in every branch of its department, to lead, instruct, encourage, rebuke and cement the true band of scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science in brotherly love - I must further decline all future replies individually to questions of great import; and unless my private letters are regarded and dealt with as such, shall be obliged to send no reply to the contents of letters discussing matters of the C.S.A. in ChicagoEditorial Note: The Chicago Christian Scientist Association was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts.
I deem it not prudent to read in open Asso. in Boston the entire doings of your meetings in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, hence have not read the reports sent me.
I recommend that your Asso.Editorial Note: The Chicago Christian Scientist Association was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. take the vote of its members on the question, - What shall be sent to our Asso. quarterly to be read in open meeting? Thus keeping up the interests of each department in the welfare of the other without any breach of confidence, or misapprehension of important questions
Most tenderly & sincerely
I am yours
To be read before the C.S.A. of ChicagoEditorial Note: The Chicago Christian Scientist Association was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. – Begging pardon for this hasty, inelegant of not abrupt communication of good will and blessings for all
Miss. Bartlett will answer your question relative to the student? I have not received a single letter from Mr. Morrill on the subject of his expulsion, and have no recollection of having a letter from him since he dictated one regarding his certificate. I regret very much that he has broken the ConstitutionAs Written:Const which renders him liable to such an action –
I hope you will have Mr. Whitehead for a member, I think it was not advisable for Miss Brown to try to teach him - she should have sent such as he to the College it would do more for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science. –