You have my hearty approval for signing and publishing the enclosed article relative As Written: realative to Normal Course Teachers. I have made some slight changes that will commend themselves to you.
Send me the enclosed article when printed
[*]Archival Note: The following is an attached newspaper clipping.
Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy, discover and founder of Christian Science, Mental Healing, (not "Mind Cure" or "Mental Science"–so-called) being recently heard from touching certain self self-styled As Written: styled Normal graduates and teachers of Christian Science, the following truths are given for the guidance of all interested:
1. The author, Mary B. G. Eddy, President and Principal of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, Boston, Massachusetts, is solely and only capable of teaching the Normal course, and possesses the only right and authority to confer its degrees.
2. No such authority has been delegated to any person or school; anyone claiming it is preferring a false claim.
3. Those only are Normal graduates who have been instructed by the author, Mrs. Eddy, and can show credentials signed by her proving that fact.
4. No students will be received at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College for instruction by Mrs. Eddy in the Normal course unless she is fully satisfied that they have previously tested the efficacy of the science by a successful practice of mental healing.
5. A person gifted in theory and illustration, but unable to demonstrate the truth by their power to heal, is not qualified to teach Christian Science.
By authority of Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy.
⇉ Handshift:UnknownPlease file with these letters –History of ColoradoAs Written:Colo Work
Sept 6, 1886