Thinking over your conversation, it seems, we ought not to influence you in the case, but let you act as you designed, and relinquish copyingEditorial Note: Taylor was making handwritten copies of Eddy's writings, a common method of reproduction..
To allow any changes in copy except those that I shall make, is impractical As Written: impracticle
This ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science cannot be stated fully by any person living that we know of, except by the one who discovered it. It is as the Scriptures saith, a new tongueMark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; , a wholly spiritual version, hence the difficulty I have to be understood; and the nearer another renders it materially instead of spiritual the more acceptable would be their version to ignorance, but it could never bring out the demonstration of ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, and would result in mesmerism.
You are not willing to have this so, and I have explained it to show you what you cannot see readily from your stand point. You are interested in the good result and striving to reach all that is high and that brings out the Principle in its beauty, power and immortality.
Please wrap the copy in paper and leave it with Mrs. Frothingham, and we will not trouble you with it any further as you were so tried at the thought of a direct copy. Respects from my husband