God bless you both on this and all other days reminding us of the nativity of Truth on earth
Now one thing is sure if you have burned your bridges behind you there is a bridge for you pass on to in Boston that will bless you and others Work enough and to spare here I will put you into business and give you a good offer for pay as soon as you come here. The work of healing teaching preaching the word is in such demand you can only get here when you are needed to do one or all of these
Now come and come without another call from God or his mouthpiece to this age I know it will not work well if you do not Twice yea thrice he has bidden you to his feast do not delay until he saith "my spirit shall no longer strive with man"Gen 6:3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. "Let him alone"