There are but two methods of treating disease the one is through matter the other is through mind one is a material modus the other is a spiritual method or the action of Truth on both mind and body
The methods of treating disease by means of matter are Materia Medica physiology hygiene and lastly mesmerism that connecting link between matter and the devil or inanimate matter and matter animate with sin sickness and death the trio of error
The systems of medicine and their adoption of medicine and laws of health etc and especially mesmerism , are not harmless to our spiritual growth they impede it they confine to earth they fix our faith in material instead of spiritual things they have other Gods before me in fine sin sensualism and mortality follow in their course Whereas a spiritual method of treating disease wings the thought heavenward turns it away from matter towards Spirit, God, begets a higher faith in divine power than in the human and teaches us the supremacy of Spirit over matter over sensualism and all sin; and immortality harmony and Life that is eternal yea the redemption of man follows in its course In the language of scriptureAs Written:scrip. fear ye not them that etc -
Then is it too much for us to urge your earnest consideration of the great need we all have to understand Christian Healing which is the science of man's being so as to work out our problem of existence harmoniously and to the result of immortality or eternal Life every step of which is gained spiritually and not through material methods or means and thus to obey St. Paul's injunction to and be absent to the bodyII Cor 5:6 Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: II Cor 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) II Cor 5:8 We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. etc - also the rules of our master to take no thought about what ye shall eat or what drinkMatt 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? Luke 12:22 ¶And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. but to anchor our being to God the Life of man turn our gaze in the direction we wish to walkMary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures248:25To remedy this, we must first turn our gaze in the right521:12The harmony and immortality of man are intact. We Note: and we shall be walking where we are looking if we move at all
Christian Science is proof not profession in it we show our faith by our works and consider faith without the works of healing comparativelyAs Written:comparratively dead
I believe every ChristianAs Written:christian would heal the sick or and teach others to do this if only he understood how well we can inform you that the footsteps whereby to learn how, are, to learn the supremacy of Spirit over matter and the superiority of Truth over error so as to able to demonstrate this in our control over sin and sickness and the last enemy to be over come which is death
When we achieve full confidence in Spirit we must understand it a belief can never furnish the full trust This understanding of Spirit Soul or God we meekly claim to have reached up to the point of demonstrating the power it has to cast out error and heal the sick
We cannot fill a vessel that is already full Our thoughts have got to be emptied first of their thousand and one dependencesAs Written:depences on matter instead of God and this emptying process will proportionately fill the thoughts with spiritual things and spiritual dependences and as they lose faith in matter they will gain faith in and the understanding of God will gain stronger faith in doing right and lose all faith in doing wrong and will perceiveAs Written:percive at length that Truth is real whereas error is unreal
But this emptying of material things means much it means that He chasteneth those He loveth That our earthly joys and trusts are taken away from us that we may gain the heavenly possessions that are spiritual therefore imperishable and from God
It means that in the world we shall have tribulation but in Christ the Truth of being we shall have peace
It means that we shall be called before councils for His sake that we shall by sinners be accounted a mark for them to aim at while by Christ we shall be accounted worthy to suffer for His sake but it also means be of good cheer for I have over come the worldJohn 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Thanks be to God who giveth us the victory then the delays of justice or human law to vindicate us and to show where the guilt lies cannot prevent the divine law from upholding us and lifting us above the touch of temptation or the fear to take up our cross and follow Christ though it be through much tribulation. Yea to fight the good fightI Tim 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. and to keep the faith though legions of devils waited to devour the child as soon as born and to bite the heel of Truth while Truth tramples on the head of error Truth crushed to earth will rise again The eternal years of God are hers While error wounded writhes in pain And dies amid her worshippersEditorial Note: This is from a poem titled, The Battle-Field, by William Cullen Bryant.
Whosoever understands Christian science sufficiently to thereby heal the sick blesses whomsoever he reaches with his thought and if the individuals that this thought touches are hard sinner I pity the pains they feel
They are those that cry out why art thou come hither to torment me before the time O the purifying and exalting power of this science to purge of all dross and lift our being higher O the beauty of its holiness and the meekness as well as might that God hath given it Christian Science masters sin and sense and sits down meekly at the right hand of God no sooner would a scientist abandon his basis of Truth and go to work in error than he would leap into yonder sea and go down with the wave or rush forth to battle with midnight and the tempest
The scientist blesses his enemiesAs Written:enimies even though it be involuntarily an incident Here we will relate an incident that occurredAs Written:occured under our observation
The Smoker
How little this action of one mind upon another in its power to good or to do evil
is understood
The hair oil
Our wisest statesmen and ablest legislators have deemed it important as expedient
to institute laws to restrain the evil passions of men and to protect the innocent and punish the guilty But what have we to take the place
of these laws where these evil natures exist and no law can restrain their action
vented in envy malice and revenge as is the case in a species of Mesmerism whereby
an evil mind can reach a good mind afar off or near whichever happens to be the case
and influence the action of that mind without the individuals knowledge of what is
at work forming his new thoughts or producing fears that affect injuriously his health or distrusts and disaffections that affect sadly his friendships or maybe even his
family relations his home it his health and happiness I say what is our remedy in the absence of all human
law to reach and prevent this result?
1st Our remedyAs Written:remdy is to understand that mesmerism can do this and is doing it in
our very midst Those recreant students of ours who
have cast themselves out from all ,
connection with Christian Science because of , their
dishonesty etc have adopted mesmerism because they could not
practice Christian Healing without doing unto others as they would that others should do unto them hoping through mesmerism to keep up a practice that ought to go down when it
becomes no longer a benefit to ones self or anybody else but a positiveAs Written:postive evil. They have only will power and mesmerism whereby to do their work aliens to God though one of
them has the effrontery to hang out a sign with the words Christian scientist on it. The Judases are not all gone to
their own place and because they are not I am telling you how to defend yourself from
them -
1st You must not flatter yourself that they cannot reach and influenceAs Written:enfluence your mind when they wish to if you are ignorant of this fact for their own admissions will show you they can
They will tell you they can take the case in California of a person they never saw and reach the mind of that individual to such an extent as to produce a marked effect on the body Now then if they do this through mesmerism they can make that body suffer as readily as they can remove its sufferings and no one can undo their wicked work unless it is a metaphysician or Christian Scientist
This is the signs of these times the lesson of this hour that these very wicked outlaws are showing the necessity there of understanding metaphysics or the action one mind has on another mind to defend ones self from this attack from these mental marauders
The christian scientist cannot produce the result a mesmerist does He has grown away from faith in matter in electricity and in error while they are exercising all their faith in this direction and cannot work on the basis of Truth and God to bring out their results
Every honest student of ours will bear testimony to this fact that we never taught them mesmerism Some are present who would tell you this while the dishonest ones of whom we hope there are not many try to pin their faith on us because they have made shipwreck of what we taught them
Mesmerism is the extract and quintessence of evil
Like steam etc
The lady whom it placed in her chair for life
The young lady whom I cured instantly in the class
The lady whose vision was spiritualized so that she exclaimed I see him by my bed save me save me
The mesmerism that can reach a person afar off or near and without a sign turn their thoughts in a direction to injure themselves or some one else and produce fears likes and dislikes at their will is demonology and that mind like an escaped felon has got out of ordinary limits to do evil
The individual affected by it will perceive at length the change in their feelings towards some friend perhaps or a change of purpose and a disturbed system and so on but they know not what has produced this change
Mesmerism is error under all circumstances It is either a mistaken purpose to do right or a malicious purpose to do wrong