Accession: A10408
Editorial Title: Note by Mary Baker Eddy, Unknown
Author: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: Unknown
Manuscript Description: Document by Mary Baker Eddy in Calvin A. Frye’s handwriting (as scribe), with edits in Mary Baker Eddy’s handwriting.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

About the year 1862 Dr. Quimby's home was in Belfast, MaineAs Written:Me, and he practiced as a magnetic physician at Portland in the same state.

How it happened that I should seek help from such source was this how At that time I was a patient As Written: patint at Dr Vale's Hydropathic institute in Hill, New HampshireAs Written:N, H. when one Julius A. Dresser who had been a patient of Dr: Vale's but went away from the institute not healed returned hale and hearty We naturally enquired the cause of all this & he told us in exuberant spirits that he was restored to health by one Dr. P. P. Quimby in Portland Maine This caused quite a stampede of invalids As Written: invileds from the present hydropathic institute & I was one of those.

When I found myself in Portland at the office of the aforesaid As Written: aforesad Quimby As Written: Quby & before I was treated by him at all I felt remarkably improved in health this is so much for my faith in the doctor His manner of treating his patients was this. He sat by a table on it was a basin of water We sat beside him. He dipped his hand in the water & laid it on the stomach somewhat to my discomfort lest he shouldAs Written:shd injure my dress. He would sometimes place a napkin between his hand & our dress. After a little he would rise immerse As Written: imurse his hand again in the water & rub my head vigorously wetting his hand repeatedly meanwhileAs Written:mean while. This comprised his entire treatment of me.

I had the curiosity to ask him one day what was the benefit pathologically of using water & rubbing his patients He replied in substance & most ingenuously that "friction evolved electricity & water was a good medium for conveying this electricity throughout the system"

This was a poser to me who had believed in homeopathy As Written: homiopathy and eschewedAs Written:eschued magnetic systems but I concluded that if indeed it was charlatanism a would test its effects on me. I asked the doctor several times to tell me As Written: mee his theory of practice in other words how he healed the sick "I cannot As Written: camot tell you how" which I interpreted as meaning that he himself As Written: hinself did not know So far as I knew him he seemed a very kindheartedAs Written:kind hearted man & a deep thinker. His remarks on animal magnetism were peculiar & in advance of anyone'sAs Written:any ones whom I ever heard converse on the subject.

He told me one As Written: on day that when his son Stephen was dying he put him into a hypnotic state & his son believed that he was fishing in a certain pond & the doctor added that he believed that after he died the first thing he would know was to find himself As Written: hinself fishing. He told me that he formerly sometimes made his patients vomit but administered As Written: adminstered no drugs it was done through animal magnetism As Written: magnitism .

I never heard from his lips aught to indicate that he relied on the divine Principle of man's being whereby to heal the sick [See Dressers article]

He was an unlearned man and apparently not accustomed at all to investigate either systems of medicine or religion After treating As Written: treatng his patients As Written: patents he would retire into a small anteroomAs Written:anti room & write rapidly I enquired one day what this meant & I understood him to say he wrote out a description of patients' As Written: patients cases I asked him to let me see his description of mine He did & it was much after this manner. a personal description of me & the great grief that he felt after treating me and thought I must be a woman of sorrowIsa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. .

Altogether he was a remarkable man. This was an expression of his to me at one time "I believe that I am a JohnEditorial Note: John the Baptist & you are a Jesus. Some of my patients envy you because I prophesy As Written: prophecy of your future life somethingAs Written:some thing wonderful. I asked him what it was but he could not say.

I never took a lesson of him on the subject of healing As Written: healng or anything As Written: anythig else I never knew that he instructed one of this patients As Written: patents in his method of healing. He did some wonderful cures but it was always a mystery to me how it was done. He did not cure me I was not restored to health until after his death & my discovery of Christian As Written: Chritn Science,

I was told The manuscripts that have been published and alleged to be Dr: Quimby's were in my own handwritingAs Written:hand writing at the time of his death. And Some disloyal students of Christian ScienceAs Written:C S hold writings of mine on the subject of Christian ScienceAs Written:Scince which they have not returned to me Those who read my works on Christian Science As Written: Scince can decide for themselves As Written: themseles as to their foundations and learn unquestionably As Written: unquestionabably my views of the magnetic treatment of the sick If I were to say of Mr Qumby's magnetic treatment of the and the old school'sAs Written:schools' system of medicineAs Written:medicene which was most deleterious As Written: deletereous I should decide that the latter is less subtle less hidden in error and its forms manifold than the formerAs Written:fromer.

When I discovered the Principle of Metaphysical healing my great hindrance, was learning the proper application of this Principle to heal the sick My first thought was to try Quimby's method of using water and rubbing the head I taught a few students this to try this process and soon learned from sad experience that that what I had discovered As Written: discoved could never be demonstrated As Written: demonstrad in that manner and dropped it and found the right rule for applying in Principle


Mine was not the discovery of a continent nor the founding or building of a nation as RomulusEditorial Note: According to Roman mythology, Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, were the sons of Rhea Silvia by the god Mars. They founded a town upon Palatine Hill, where they were suckled by a she-wolf as orphaned infants. During a petty quarrel, however, Remus was slain by his brother. Romulus then became ruler of the settlement, which was named “Rome” after him, in 753 BC, and ruled for 37 years until his death in 716 BC. As the first king of Rome, he is noted for forming the Roman Senate with one hundred men and giving the inhabitants of Rome a body of laws. It is unclear to what extent a historical figure underlies the mythical Romulus. built Rome

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

About the year 1862 Dr. Quimby's home was in Belfast, MeExpanded:Maine, and he hpracticed as a magnetic physician at Portland in the same state.

How it happened that I should seek help from such a physician source was this how About At that time I was a patint Corrected: patient at Dr Vale's Hydropathic institute in Hill, N, H.Expanded:New Hampshire when one Julius A. Dresser who had been at a patient of Dr: Vale's but went away fronm the institute uncured not healed returned hale and hearty We naturally enquired the cause of [?] Unclear or illegible  all this & he told us in exuberant spirits that he had been was restored to health by one Dr. P. P. Quimby in Portland Meaine This caused quite a stampede of invileds Corrected: invalids from the present hydropathic institute & I was one of those.

When I found myself in Portland at the office of the aforesad Corrected: aforesaid Quby Corrected: Quimby & before I [?] Unclear or illegible  was treated by [?] Unclear or illegible  him at all I felt remarkably improved in health this is so much [?] Unclear or illegible  for my f [?] Unclear or illegible aith in the doctor His manner of treating his patients was this. He sat by a table on it was a basnin of water We sat beside him. He dipped his hand in the water & l [?] Unclear or illegible aid it on the stomach somewhat much to my discomfort le [?] Unclear or illegible st he shdExpanded:should injure my dress. He would sometimes place a n [?] Unclear or illegible apkin bewtween his hand & our dress. then After a little he would rise imurse Corrected: immerse his ha [?] Unclear or illegible nd again in the water & rub my head vigorously wetting his hand repeatedly mean whileCorrected:meanwhile. This comprised his entire treamtment of me.

I had the curiosity to ask him one day why he wet his hands what what was the benefit it was pathologically of wetting his hands using water & rubbing his patients He replied in substance & most ingenouously that "friction evolved electricity & water was a good medium for conveying this electricity throughout the system"

This was a poser to me who ha [?] Unclear or illegible d believed in homiopathy Corrected: homeopathy and eschuedCorrected:eschewed [?] Unclear or illegible  magnetic systems for but I concluded that if it indeed it was charlatanism a woul [?] Unclear or illegible d test its effects overn me. I asked the doctor several times to tell mee Corrected: me his theory of practice & his reply in other words how he healed the sick "I camot Corrected: cannot tell you how" which I interprete [?] Unclear or illegible d as meaning that he hinself Corrected: himself did not know [?] Unclear or illegible  So far as I [?] Unclear or illegible  knew him he seemed a very kind heartedCorrected:kindhearted man & a hdeep thinker. His remarks on animal magnetism were peculiar & in advance of any onesCorrected:anyone's whom I eve [?] Unclear or illegible r heard converse on the subject.

He told me on Corrected: one day that when his son Stephen was dying he put him into a hypnotic state & his son believed that he was fishing in a certain pond & the doctor ad [?] Unclear or illegible ded that if he believed that after he died the first thing he would know was to find hinself Corrected: himself fishing. He told me that he formerly sometimes made his patients vomit but adminstered Corrected: administered no drugs it was done through animal magnitism Corrected: magnetism .

I never heard from his lips aught to indicate that he relied on anything but t [?] Unclear or illegible he divine Principle of m [?] Unclear or illegible an's being whereby to heal the sick [See Dressers article]

He was not a scientific thinker or talker in any sense He was an unlear [?] Unclear or illegible ned man and apparently not accustomed at all to investigate either systems of medicine or religion After treatng Corrected: treating his patents Corrected: patients he [?] Unclear or illegible  would retire into a small anti roomCorrected:anteroom & write rapidly I enquired one day what this meant & I understood him to say he told me he wrote out a description of patients Corrected: patients' cases I asked him to let me see his de [?] Unclear or illegible scription of mine He did & it was much after this manner. a personal description and [?] Unclear or illegible  of me & the great grief that he felt after treating me and thought I must be a woman of sorrowIsa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. .

Altogether he was a remar [?] Unclear or illegible kable man. This was an expression of his to me at one time "I believe that I am a JohnEditorial Note: John the Baptist & you are a Jesus. Some of my patients envy you because I prophecy Corrected: prophesy of your future life some thingCorrected:something w [?] Unclear or illegible onderful. I asked him what it was but he could not say.

I never took a lesson of him on the subject of healng Corrected: healing or anythig Corrected: anything else I never knew that he instructed one of this patents Corrected: patients in his method of healing. He did some wonderful cures but it was always a mystery to me how it was done. He did not cure me I was not restored to health until after h [?] Unclear or illegible is death & my discovery of Chritn Corrected: Christian Science,

I was told told The manuscripts that have since been published and alleged to be Dr: Quimby's Mss were in my own hand writingCorrected:handwriting at the time of his death. [?] Unclear or illegible  They were copies he comncedCorrected:commenced & [?] Unclear or illegible afterwards handed them to me to make over which I did & they were literally my so changed that they were my own composition [?] Unclear or illegible  And [?] Unclear or illegible  Some dyisloyal My students of C SExpanded:Christian Science hold copies writings of mine on that the subject of Christian ScinceCorrected:Science which they have not been returned to me Whoever Those who reads my works on Christian Scince Corrected: Science can decide for themseles Corrected: themselves as to their foundations and learn unquestionabably Corrected: unquestionably my views of the magnetic treatment of the sick If I were to chose between say of Dr Mr Qumby's magnetic treatment of the and the old schools'Corrected:school's system of mediceneCorrected:medicine I dread which was most deletereous Corrected: deleterious I should decide that the latter is less subtle less hidden in error and its forms error manf [?] Unclear or illegible  manifold than the fromerCorrected:former. [?] Unclear or illegible 

When I discovered the Principle of Metaphysical [?] Unclear or illegible  healing C. S,Expanded:Christian Science my great difficulty hindrance, was in know how learning the [?] Unclear or illegible  proper the [?] Unclear or illegible  application of this [?] Unclear or illegible  Principle to heal this Principle in healing the sick the sick My first thought was to try Quimby's method and of using water and rubbing the head I taught a few students this [?] Unclear or illegible  this to try this process [?] Unclear or illegible  and I soon learned and massages to the head learned from that [?] Unclear or illegible  sad [?] Unclear or illegible  experience that that what I had discoved Corrected: discovered could never be demonstrad Corrected: demonstrated in that manner of and dropped it and found the right rule of for applying in Principle could never demonstrate what I had discovered and dropped it


Mine was not the discovery of a continent nor the foundnging or buil [?] Unclear or illegible ding of a nation as RomulusEditorial Note: According to Roman mythology, Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, were the sons of Rhea Silvia by the god Mars. They founded a town upon Palatine Hill, where they were suckled by a she-wolf as orphaned infants. During a petty quarrel, however, Remus was slain by his brother. Romulus then became ruler of the settlement, which was named “Rome” after him, in 753 BC, and ruled for 37 years until his death in 716 BC. As the first king of Rome, he is noted for forming the Roman Senate with one hundred men and giving the inhabitants of Rome a body of laws. It is unclear to what extent a historical figure underlies the mythical Romulus. found built Rome

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John the Baptist According to Roman mythology, Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, were the sons of Rhea Silvia by the god Mars. They founded a town upon Palatine Hill, where they were suckled by a she-wolf as orphaned infants. During a petty quarrel, however, Remus was slain by his brother. Romulus then became ruler of the settlement, which was named “Rome” after him, in 753 BC, and ruled for 37 years until his death in 716 BC. As the first king of Rome, he is noted for forming the Roman Senate with one hundred men and giving the inhabitants of Rome a body of laws. It is unclear to what extent a historical figure underlies the mythical Romulus.