⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker EddySave the Copy
⇉ Handshift:Asa Gilbert EddyExtemporaneous Lecture
Given at Parker Fraternity Hall Boston
By Mrs. M. B. Glover Eddy
Subject. Matter is but manifest mind and Truth is the master of a lie.
Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of theseMatt 6:29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Luke 12:27 Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. (holding up a bouquetAs Written:boquet) but who clothed the flower who gave it outline and tinted those fair petals? Was it matter, or was it Mind that outlined the flower, gave it all the delicate tracery of art and painted the leaf with the fingers of light? Was the Intelligence that wrought this mystery hidden in a seed? Is matter an artist, or what and where is this Mind that works for all. Omnipotent, limitless, infinite Mind that shadows forth those tiny representatives of beauty. an innate and intrinsic quality of its own? Do you say I can picture a flower in Mind but my hands must paint it on canvass, or mould it in wax. Then we reply, do not you see there is no resemblance between a person and a Principle, between the finite and the infinite Mind, the mortal and the Immortal action, yea between Spirit and matter? But mortal mind and not matter produced the flower of wax, without mind it could not have been made, it was a conception of that mind and its production first and last. It is you and not your hands that evolves the ideals of mind and every method whereby they are expressed. Annihilate mind and there would be neither action nor phenomenon. All is mind; matter is but a beliefAs Written:blief that mortal mind entertains for a season, and then gives up the belief and matter disappears. Mind is the universal Creator, but Mind cannot result in matter, therefore it cannot produce it; quite as impossible is it for Mind to produce matter as for matter to produce Mind, one species cannot produce its opposite species -- and those are opposites in every respect. You say the seed produces the flower, I say the flower is more than the seed and the lesser produces not the greater, I say the Infinite Mind made both the seed and the flower, that both are mind eliminated and named matter by mortal and erring mind, and idea by the immortal mind or understanding. But if mortal mind calls them matter, they will be matter to this mind, but that is not the fact regarding them. To immortal mind, thoughts become things, but they are spiritual and not material things. “He made every plant before it was in the ground”Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. , the Scripture informs us. Then you say why did he put them in the ground? He never did, it was error and not Truth that introduced tillage, we are credibly instructed, hence Truth understood will do away in the end with this “sweat of the brow”. Again you ask can your statements be verified? Yes, the action of one mind on another will illustrate them, what is called a very wicked mind will prove what we say, mesmerism shows this result is as we have said Belief is a constituent of mortal mind, we all know; a mesmerist will control an individual's belief to such an extent he can cause it to see whatever it believes, under his control, even as it does under its own control; he can make a flower become a serpent but this crossing the species belongs alone to belief and not to science; mesmerism precludes Science in all it says and does, it is always an error, either a mistaken purpose to do right, or a malicious purpose to do wrong. Hallucination and delirium tremens prove that objects of sense are the goods and chattels of mortal mind, both in the conception and the quality of them, for belief governs every conclusion regarding matter but belief it can go no farther than it believes, deduces, than it or conjectures or creates. The immortal and OmnipotentAs Written:Omipotent Mind illustrated the fallacy of belief and its creations to the Hebrew lawgiverEditorial Note: Moses -- when his staff became a serpentEx 4:3 And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. , and he was afraid of it, and his hand became leprousAs Written:lepros and was healed without liniment or lotion. These proofs were important to the mission of Moses, -- first, because they proved that matter is not a primitive condition but it simply what a man believes it to be; -- second because the understanding of this fact will destroys his fear of matter third -- because it revealed a practical Principle by which the sick are healed Moses would have been a necromancer or mesmerist, had not God equippedAs Written:equiped him with the Spirit, of the ten commandments which made him a law to himself, a prohibition to evil. God which is Truth, Life, and Love showAs Written:shew Moses how to do good through this awakened understanding, but not to do evil by means of it; Moses could not abuse his power for the Immortal and unerring Mind, and not the mortal and evil, gave him this power. Abiding by the ten commandments the servant of God commissioned to do good cannot trespass on the rights of mind, cannot steal its treasures, or kill its joys; -- the power of Moses, of Prophet and Apostle to heal the sick was Christian Science, not mesmerism that breaks the ten commandments, that would rob virtue and kill Truth, that would trespass on the secret thought and intermeddle with the most sacred rights of mind. The primitive Christian's demonstrations included the Science that should govern all phenomena, while it gave harmony and not discord to man.
That matter is but manifest mind our night dreams afford evidence; we see, hear, feel, etc, -- in our night dream the same as in our day dreams, objects have the same solidity to our touch, flowers the same fragrance and landscape the same variety, beauty has its all pervading charm, friendship its joy, hatred its malice, sickness its pain, etc, -- But mind is all that sees, feels, hears, or takes cognizance of this endless variety and passing panorama of called matter. That Life is in matter is a dream, a belief, whether this dream goes on with open or closed lids, and our final waking without matter where all is mind, Spirit will prove this. Dreams have defied philosophy, because, we are dreaming habitually, and much of our philosophy is a dream! There is a universal as well as individual belief this belief is named mortal and erring mind, whereas we call this universal law of Mind a law of matter; there is a universal law of the Omnipotent, unerring Mind, -- that governs all harmoniously let us be careful not to blend these two in our reckoning. --
Jesus nor Paul ever spake of a law of health, therefore, when those that believed in laws material attempted to heal after the manner of the Apostle it was natural that error was supposed to say, “Christ we know and Paul we know but who are you”Acts 19:15 And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? ? And whoever would convince those lawgivers that matter never made a law, and that Jesus refused to recognize it such a law and healed contrary to it, has something to do, even though his demonstration walking over the condition of their supposed law, proves the law null and void.
We would like to get nearer your thought if we could. Our statements are valueless only for the good they do, and because of our own understanding of them are we able to heal the sick on a Metaphysical Principle and only because you do not understand them , are you unable to heal on our Principle I believe it has been reported we could walk to egg rockEditorial Note: Egg Rock is a three-acre rocky land mass in the Atlantic Ocean. It is about two miles out from Lynn Beach on the Swampscott side of Nahant, Massachusetts.! but we have no recollection of that transaction -- and think the reporter conferredAs Written:confered that honor on Metaphysics I believe it is a universal concessionAs Written:consession of mortal mind that sin and sickness exist, and that we all wish to make them nonexist; our only difference lies in the modus operandi. Let us see how Theology treats sin; it instructs us to we must believe if we would be saved, then does not theology hang our salvation on an action of the mind, and why not hang health on this same peg? Jesus did, and it seems to me if the action of mind can accomplish so very much in one direction of belief it can in an other and that it requires less credulity to conclude that through belief we can restore health , than that we can save through belief what is infinitely more than the body Is it more less possible through an action of mind to destroy inflammationAs Written:inflamation in the throat than to change instantaneously an outright sinner into a saint? I have cured throat disease instantaneously, through the action of mind, but I have not succeeded so readily in curing a chronic sin. The possibility of healing the body through mind is already established, ancient christianity furnished the precedent and proof, and wherefore scoff at our desire to have those modernized? There is more materiality in sin than in sickness, it is more gross, and the mortal mind is less willing to part with it, so ; this makes it easier to destroy sickness through mind than to destroy sin. The body is inert without mind, its entire action is governed by mind and dependent on it, whether this action be mental or physical; hence the importance to understand these powers of mind motive, conscience and capacity.
Metaphysics demand more, and point higher than the creeds; but they demand proof instead of profession, and will demonstrate all they demand; they demand christ, truth, to heal the sick, whereas the modus in an other instance is morphine or whiskey punch We begin at foundations when we begin in mind; the embryo of mortal and material man is an animal thought, the superstructure it builds are animal propensities -- malice and lies; but truth is the master of a lie and is tearing down the false foundations and building spiritually hence the enmity between truth and error the seed of the womanGen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. , and the hue and cry “why art thou come hither to torment us before the time”Matt 8:29 And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time? but physics will go down before metaphysics insomuch as truth is the master of a lie. Whether is greater the potter that has power over the clay, or the clay that has no power over the potter? Which should be the passport to our confidence and the ensign of success, a diploma in in physics, or the stamp of almighty god on metaphysics? A metaphysician goes to work in mind where all causation lies begins at the fountain to make pure the stream -- begins in mind to govern the body -- the matterphysician busies himself to learn what matter is doing without mind, even while it is self evident it can do nothing, and treats the case as if matter was the only intelligence in the case. When I medicated on blotting paper pellet and powder according to homeopathy, i verily believed medicine did the cure even when there was no medicine, and according to my belief so was it unto me. From aconitum to zincum oxydatum all through the two hundred and sixty remedies of the “jahr”Editorial Note: Dr. George Heinrich Gottleib Jahr (1800-1875) was the author of a popular manual of homeopathic remedies often known simply as "Jahr." Eddy owned and marked a copy of this book. -- I could give the general symptoms, and the characteristic peculiarities, and moral symptoms to which each medicine was applied, and this helped me as a pharmacist; for when I shook the paper or the bottle that contained the drug thirty times in preparingAs Written:prepareing it, and retained but one drop of the original tincture to one hundred drops of prepared alcohol thirty times, I was thinking all of thirty times what that remedy aught to cure, the result was I got more metaphysics than physics into the dose; hence the potency of the higher attenuations and their increasingAs Written:increaseing efficacy as matter disappeared and mind went into the medicine I would attenuate aconite until it was no longer aconite but sugar of milk, and this self same sugar named aconite, would at once allay febrile symptoms, reduce the pulse, and promote powerful perspirations.
I would take common table salt, one grain, call it natrum muriaticum, and then say it was a remedy for rheumatic affections, shortening of tendons, bad effects from chagrin and anger, diseases of the eye, ear, nose, etc, and shake it up to the highest attenuations where there is no salt, or the salt hads lost its savor, and this with this suppositional drug I have cured a patient in a collapsed state of typhoid fever. The highest attenuation I ever reached in homeopathy was not to medicate the sugar of milk and with this harmless dose I cured an inverate case of dropsy This was my last material medicine I then took a step forward, not from matter to mind, but from mind to mind, for I had learned that homeopathy was the steppingAs Written:steping stone to metaphysics, if only homeopathy it would say there is nothing in a name and mind is more potent than milk coagulated. Here is a figure, I never thought of it before that the infancy of metaphysical healing was at a period of milk, when the poison was going out of remedies and mind was coming into them; The figure goes farther showing that the infancy of metaphysical healing is watched by mesmerism the dragon “ready to devour the child as soon as it was born”Rev 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. ; but the child was caught up into heavenRev 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. , truth finds its own element of harmony and immortality, and triumphs over envy and a lie. We have spoken of the power of mind, we will now instance the application of this power upon a thief. A friend goes to reform this victim of sin, first with reason second with truth, third with love; he argues, remonstrates, explains it and woos, telling the thief he has made no gain by stealing that matter hath no treasure to compare with the jewel of honesty, and that he loses this gem of mind and gains nothing; for money is less than manhood. The wrong-doer reflects, feels a slight twinge of conscience, is uneasy, questions himself and flees before his own inquiries; -- his friend persists, “the measure you mete shall be measured to you again full and running over”Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. , god holds the scales of justice and they will be rightly adjusted, you are weighing against yourself, the beam trembles, it tips on the side of despair; behold! Your doom. now look up for your redemption draweth nighLuke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. the transgressor is aroused, the dream of pleasure in sin departs, he sees his folly and madness, and seeing it he reforms and is saved. That friend was a sound missionary, he gave the angels joy, and if he received no acknowledgements on earth it was only because he was nearer the angels than men. Mind is a tribunal and it decides the case from the evidence before it, the mental pro or con of sin or sickness, determines the facts, it makes the sin or the sickness.
[*]Editorial Note: This paragraph is proceeded by a series of Xs whose purpose is unclear.The student of metaphysical science who decides not to be an honest man will abandon this mental method of cure sooner or later, for he will ruin his own prospects; an adulterated poisonous mind is worse than an adulterated drug wherewith to treat disease. You say is it not a fearful thing to fall into the hands of such a mind? Yes, unless you understand ⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker Eddymetaphysics and the protection that truth affords and the power it holds over matter. Those moral lepers are cast out from metaphysics, and because of this, the “dragon is wroth with the woman”Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. truth hath its own glorious undisturbed realm where all is calm, serene, steadfast, for error cannot reach this eternity of soul; and earth reflects the joys of heaven in all that is real of earth. the soft emerald sheen of summer is a reflection of that quality of mind called good taste The omnipotent mind hath made June the belle of the season, her breath all fragrance and cheek all bloom, dimpling in the rosy sunbeamsAs Written:sumbeams, or cloistered in the buds to come forth a fairyAs Written:fairey nun wooing creation with the womanhood of the year. We try the stars, not as the Chaldee to read in their effulgence the fate of men and empires but to ask of mystery a token if there, as here, mind hath the self same forms of thought -- till thought grows vague, and tired fancy flees to more familiar things and fold her wings beneath the skies. We still look up, and far beyond the starlit dome of night we lift our eyes to heaven, until all matter disappears, and mind is heaven, and truth the master of a lie, -- the only point where bliss stands still, and learns where faith, law, morals, all began and are immortal.
(old sermon &c)