Accession: 954.93A.027
Editorial Title: George B. Wickersham to Calvin A. Frye, May 13, 1886
Author: George B. Wickersham 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: May 13, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George B. Wickersham on lined paper from Denver, Colorado.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Brother Frye

your letters and blank for me to fill out and signEditorial Note: These are not extant.. Just received As Written: recieved I am quite sureAs Written:shure youAs Written:your are right aboutAs Written:a bout my Spelling poorly it is more on account As Written: acount of a careless As Written: carless way I have got intoAs Written:in to than any thing else the word that you spoke of in my last letter I most surely As Written: surley knew was not spelled right had I taken As Written: taking notice of it.

I am very much obliged to you for the Suggestions that you made As Written: maid I hope to be able to spell more correctly As Written: correty in the future As Written: furturre I will Sign Application for membership and send in this letter and will send tuition As Written: twition if I am accepted As Written: excepted as a member

Yours in Truth As Written: Trewth My Love to Mrs Eddy
G.B. Wickersham
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Brother Frye

your letters and blank for me to fill out and signEditorial Note: These are not extant.. Just recieved Corrected: received I am quite shureCorrected:sure yourCorrected:you are right a boutCorrected:about my Spelling poorly it is more on acount Corrected: account of a m carless Corrected: careless way I have got in toCorrected:into than it any is thing else the word that you spoke of in my last letter I most surley Corrected: surely knew was not spelled right had I taking Corrected: taken notice of it.

I am very much obliged to you for the Suggestions that you maid Corrected: made I hope to be able to spell more correty Corrected: correctly in the furturre Corrected: future I will Sign Application for membership and send [?] Unclear or illegible in this letter and will send twition Corrected: tuition if I am excepted Corrected: accepted as a member

Yours in Trewth Corrected: Truth My Love to Mrs Eddy
G.B. Wickersham
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These are not extant.