⇉ Handshift:George B. WickershamDenver ColoradoAs Written:Colo
April 11th 1886
your very kind letterEditorial Note: See L07909. received As Written: recieved and was so glad to hear from you I am always so anxious As Written: ancious to hear from you.
Mrs Eddy I want to know if you have a normal class anytimeAs Written:anny time next month if so I want to arrange As Written: arrainge it so that I can attend it will you please As Written: pleas let me know aboutAs Written:a bout this as soon as you receive As Written: recive this I am in hope it will be that you are going to have a class if not would it be so that you could give me the normal instruction As Written: instructin should I come to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts in May and could you tell what I am to do aboutAs Written:a bout my Certificate you know it Expires the 2ndAs Written:2ond of this month I am gettingAs Written:geting alongAs Written:a long nicelyAs Written:nicly but there is much to contend with but of course As Written: corse you know this I am doing all I can to get Subscriber As Written: Swbscriber for the Journal I think that a grand Journal and I wish it could go intoAs Written:in to everyAs Written:evry house think it is doing much good
Now Mrs Eddy will you please As Written: pleas let me hear from you real soon aboutAs Written:a bout the normal instruction As Written: instructin
is this party As Written: partie all Right I see hisEditorial Note: W. D. S. Boyd advertisement As Written: advertisemet but I don't As Written: dont think that he has got here yet as I saw a party that was over there As Written: ther said that he hadn't As Written: hadent come yet of course As Written: corse you will know whether As Written: wheth he is as he advertises GBW
[*]Archival Note: A newspaper clipping has been inserted here.