⇉ Handshift:George B. WickershamDenver ColoradoAs Written:Colo
January 19th 1886
I wish you would send me by Express C.O.D twelve sets of Science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy on receipt of this letter I have been As Written: bin informed that they are to be changed As Written: chainged or that there is to be a new volume if so Send me the latest As Written: lates edition As Written: adition please As Written: pleas Send at once as I have Several As Written: Severl parties that want a set of the books now if there is to be any change As Written: chainge in the Books I do not want the old Book but the new ones why is it that I do not get my Journal I haven't As Written: havent had it Since I left ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois regularly As Written: regulary I haven't As Written: havent had the January numberAs Written:no yet will you please As Written: pleas see that it is sent to me regularly As Written: regulary I sent you a couple of Denver papers this morning with a couple of lectures. is then on Metaphysics oh pshawAs Written:Shaw on such nonsense I do wish he had just taking a Subject that he knew As Written: new something aboutAs Written:a bout.
I am having a very fair practice now but would have more to do if it was not so cold there was a Lady come here aboutAs Written:a bout Six weeksAs Written:weeaks agoAs Written:a go from BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts by the name of Mason She advertised to be a student of the new School of the Mind Cure of Boston As Written: Bosto
I am told that she has a class of 50 now So you see that we will have lots of opposite As Written: oposite out here
I am so Sorrow As Written: Sorow to See so many As Written: meny taught the Wrong As Written: Rong way but trust they may see that there is but one way and that is the Right way
I want my Card inserted in the February numberAs Written:no of the Journal and to continue for one year if it does not cost over fiveEditorial Note: $5.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $137.67 in 2020. or Six DollarsEditorial Note: $6.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $165.20 in 2020. Send bill and I will send the money with the money for the Books when does Mrs Eddy have her Normal Class or how often does she have them and would a Student of Dr ShermansEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman or Roger Sherman be admitted As Written: admited to take a Normal CourseAs Written:Corse the Same as one of Mrs Eddy Students that had taken the Regular Course As Written: Corse ask Mrs Eddy what my tuition would be to attend As Written: atend the Normal Class I want to come as soon as I can get able it is quite a distance to come but I feel that I want to take the Course As Written: Corse let me hear from you soon Give my Love to Mrs Eddy I will send you my Card just as I want it in the Journal
no 402 California St
Denver Colorado
Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy by Mrs Mary B. G. Eddy on Sale