Nov. 17th
About two weeks ago I sent you an orderEditorial Note: See 953.93A.041. for 10 Copies of "Menta Healing", 1 Copy of "C. S. and the Bible", one of "Christian Science is not Pantheism" and one of "Defence of C. S." I have not yet received them. I enclosed $1.55Editorial Note: $1.55 in 1886 is the equivalent of $50.24 in 2023. on a registered letter.
I have great need of them, and more of the same, my work is hampered without them, as I am just introducing Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. here in the face of much opposition.
Last night I sent a telegramEditorial Note: This telegram is not extant. for a duplicate of the order. If the first was not received please fill now, and let me know of the failure of my first order to reach you. If the first was sent please notify me.
If orders are not filled quickly we lose the sale of books for our patients leave and do not return for them.
I find on consulting the advertisement As Written: advertisemt that the "Historical Sketches As Written: Sketchs of Mental Healing" are $1.00Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $32.42 in 2023. per- dozenAs Written:doz. and not $1.00 for 10 Copies as I supposed. I send in this letter $2.00Editorial Note: $2.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $64.83 in 2023. for I cannot get American Stamp to make charges Please mail me one more Copy of C. S. and the Bible and the amount As Written: amont of what remains to my credit in Copies of "Defence of Christian ScienceAs Written:Scin"