May 30. 1886–
I enclose you Money Order for $10-Editorial Note: $10.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $311.34 in 2022. a poor & pitiful Sum in comparison to the good I am asking at your hands I come to you as a beggar & would be ashamed of the Small enclosure, if I did not feel assured that you work for something higher than earthly recompense= but if you can make a man of me, can give me my sight & strength, I pledge myself to give to you or the cause of Christian Science as I earn it any Sum you may name–
I am blind, & lame, & sick= poor & dependent & unhappy. have long been an unbeliever in Christianity, a hopeless, helpless wanderer– but within the last two weeks my attention has been called to Metaphysics, or Christian Science, & it seems to me that there may yet be light for me–
My mother has been reading your book, Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy to me, & I, an Infidel Seem to find the hitherto impossible Christ made plain & attainable to all– I have studied the Scriptures closely, but never could derive from them any clear meanings– I cannot even now Say "I believe", because I do not yet understand– & I wish to be perfectly honest with you– for I must be honest with God– He knows how earnestly I have wished to believe, but could not because I could not understand– But, now, I– a Scoffer ask you to heal me, If you have not time yourself, please place my case in the hands of one of your students, that I a helpless Sufferer may be made whole–
Any communication from you will reach me if directed to the address below–
Dear Madam—
I am remain yours,
Port Gibson–
Henry Frazer Shaifer–
Port Gibson-
MississippiAs Written:Miss–