Accession: 951.93.038
Editorial Title: Frank W. Searle to Mary Baker Eddy, April 12, 1886
Author: Frank W. Searle 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 12, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Frank W. Searle on embossed lined paper from Putnam, Connecticut.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam.

Enclosed As Written: Inclosed please find Post office order for three dollars and twenty five cents. ($3.25)Editorial Note: $3.25 in 1886 is the equivalent of $93.69 in 2021. and send at once your "Science and Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I have a cousin here in P.Editorial Note: Putnam, Connecticut now 26 yrs of age. who since two years old has been afflicted with a kind of fit or spasm She has been attended by many physicians of both schools none of whom have been able to locate the cause of her trouble or to help her in any way She requires continuous watching as no warning of the fit is given and she is liable to have one at any time either of the day or night. Her mother is broken down by continual watching, care and anxiety- Neither I nor any of the family have any faith that she can be cured either by your treatment or any other I am writing you at the earnest solicitation of friends in Portland MaineAs Written:Me who have unlimited faith in your treatment.

The sick girl herself has great faith that she can be cured and we all most heartily wish she could

She has one, two, or three of these fits every day. They somewhat resemble Epileptic fits though they differ from them in some respects Is there any graduate of your school either in Putnam or within a few miles of here whom you would recommend to take this case-

The patient is very excitable and nervous and has not been able to sleep for years without the use of narcotics The fit leaves her in a dazed half-crazed condition which continues for about half an hour after which she appears as bright as ever. I suppose it would be almost impossible to take the patient to Boston or any great distance on the cars.

Yours Respectfully
Frank W. Searle
Box 329 ConnecticutAs Written:Conn.

To. Mrs. Baker G. Eddy.

Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.

Please direct the book to Mrs. George A. Kendall


ConnecticutAs Written:Conn.

Box 329


Railroad St.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Madam.

Inclosed Corrected: Enclosed please find Post office order for three dollars and twenty five cents. ($3.25)Editorial Note: $3.25 in 1886 is the equivalent of $93.69 in 2021. and send at once your "Science and Health."Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy I have a cousin here in P.Editorial Note: Putnam, Connecticut now 26 yrs of age. who since two years old has been afflicted with a kind of fit or spasm She has been attended by many physicians of both schools none of whom have been able to locate the cause of her trouble or to help her in any way She requires continuous watching as no warning of the fit is given and she is liable to have one at any time either of the day or night. Her mother is broken down by continual watching, care and anxiety- Neither I nor any of the family have any faith that she can be cured either by your treatment or any other I am writing you at the earnest solicitation of friends nin Portland MeExpanded:Maine who have unlimited faith in your treatment.

The sick girl herself has great faith that she can be cured and we all most heartily wish she could

She has one, two, or three of these fits every day. They somewhat resemble Epileptic fits though they differ from them in some respects Is there any graduate of your school either in Putnam or within a few miles of here whom you would recommend to take this case-

The patient is very excitable and nervous and has not been able to sleep for years without the use of narcotics The fit leaves her in a dazed half-crazed condition which continues for about half an hour wafter which she appears as bright as ever. I suppose it would be almost impossible to take the patient to Boston or any great distance on the cars.

Yours Respectfully
Frank W. Searle
Box 329 Conn.Expanded:Connecticut

To. Mrs. Baker G. Eddy.

Boston Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts

Please direct the book to Mrs. George A. Kendall



Box 329


Railroad St.

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$3.25 in 1886 is the equivalent of $93.69 in 2021. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Putnam, Connecticut