Accession: 950.93.018
Editorial Title: Lydia A. Richards to Mary Baker Eddy, May 10, 1886
Author: Lydia A. Richards 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 10, 1886 - archivist estimate
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lydia A. Richards on lined paper from Elgin, Illinois.
Archival Note: The date of this letter is an archivist estimate.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I write to know if you would like to have me act as agent for your Revised AdditionAs Written:Additon of Science & Health and if so what percentage As Written: presentage you will allow me. I am a student of Dr. Sawyer of Milwaukee WisconsinAs Written:Wis. and have frequently, an opportunity As Written: opertunity to sell a book. I have new orders for two books and will send the money as soon as I hear from you.

Most Respectfully
Lydia Richards
120 Dupage St,
Elgin IllinoisAs Written:Ills.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I write to know if you would like to have me act as agent for your Revised AdditonCorrected:Addition of Science & Health and if so what presentage Corrected: percentage you will allow me. I am a student of Dr. Sawyer of Milwaukee Wis.Expanded:Wisconsin and have frequently, an opertunity Corrected: opportunity to sell a book. I have new orders for two books and will send the money as soon as I hear from you.

Most Respectfully
Lydia Richards
120 Dupage St,
Elgin Ills.Expanded:Illinois
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