⇉ Handshift:Joseph RathfonLogansport Indiana
Feb. 13th 1886.
I have read the "C. S. Journal" for the past ten months. I am frank to confess that no Subject ever interested me as Christian Science has. I cannot possibly be content without Some practical knowledge of this great, glorious Subject. I have an unbounded desire to become a "Scientist," but my circumstances will not permit me to take College Course.
There Seems to be nothing immediately available but to Study "Science and Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.— Find enclosed herewith a Postal Note for three dollars and seventeen cts. ($3.17)Editorial Note: $3.17 in 1886 is the equivalent of $87.28 in 2020., for which please Send a copy of the lately revised edition of "Science and Health" to the address below. and greatly oblige an earnest seeker after truth.
I prefer a copy of both volumes bound in one if any such are on Sale.
Box 1222.