I feel that I am trespassing As Written: tresspassing on your time and patience, when I write you, - I notice in your note to your Preface, that you will not consult or treat patients, for this reason I feel a delicacy in saying a word – but I hope you may grant me the favor I ask – which is simply advice. My husband has been afflicted with Paralysis for two years, and we have tried all kinds of cures – we went to Chicago last fall to try animal magnetism, but thanks to kind Providence, while there we learned of Christian Science, and determined to try it – We have had treatment at a distance, and have your Work on the subjectEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy – we try to understand the wonderful Truths contained in your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy - we are indeed converts to the FaithEditorial Note: Christian Science, and are looking for results – I wish to ask you, Why it is my husband cannot As Written: can not or is not healed – I feel and know that there is no other way for him to be loosed from this bondage, but by this overthrow As Written: over throw of error by Truth – but it seems so long coming– - he has not taken a particle of medicine for seven months – and we believe he is cured of monthly falling attacks, which accompanied the stroke of Paralysis, but he has no use whatever of his right hand and arm – and no desire to walk and exercise. I wish you would, if you please, advise us what to do in regard to his case – He has never met the ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist who treats him – Can it be that he might be benefitted As Written: benefited more if he could be with her– or anyone As Written: any one you might advise- I am anxious to study, and learn the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science direct from you, and hope the day is not far distant, when my husband may be himself once more, then I will meet you, by the help of Divine power – Hoping that we may hear from you –