Henry W. Wynkoop
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Henry W. Wynkoop (1837-1887) was born in Ohio and died in Crestline, Ohio. He married Mary C. Wilson in Madison, Tennessee, in 1862. He worked as a telegraph operator and was appointed assistant superintendent of telegraph for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in 1873 and then superintendent of telegraph in 1881. Wynkoop was a member of the Old Time Telegraphs Association. During the American Civil War, he was connected with General Anson Stager in the management of the telegraph service of the Union Army. Mary C. Wynkoop wrote to Mary Baker Eddy in 1886, asking for information about Christian Science treatment through prayer for him.

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Henry W. Wynkoop
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Henry W. Wynkoop (1837-1887) was born in Ohio and died in Crestline, Ohio. He married Mary C. Wilson in Madison, Tennessee, in 1862. He worked as a telegraph operator and was appointed assistant superintendent of telegraph for the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in 1873 and then superintendent of telegraph in 1881. Wynkoop was a member of the Old Time Telegraphs Association. During the American Civil War, he was connected with General Anson Stager in the management of the telegraph service of the Union Army. Mary C. Wynkoop wrote to Mary Baker Eddy in 1886, asking for information about Christian Science treatment through prayer for him.

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