Accession: 726B.90.040
Editorial Title: Lucy B. Wright to Mary Baker Eddy, March 29, 1886
Author: Lucy B. Wright 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 29, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lucy B. Wright on embossed lined paper from Monroe, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy,

Enclosed please find P. O. order for $8,34 ctsEditorial Note: $8.34 in 1886 is the equivalent of $240.41 in 2021., for which I wish two copies of your latest edition of Science and Health,- One I wish for my own use, and would like it in two books if you have them. if you have not got them, but intend to have them in that form, I think I can dispose of mine and will wait for :price so conclude that it is the same as the others. One dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $28.83 in 2021. is for the first year's As Written: years numbers of the Journal, if you have them, if not, apply it on the coming year's As Written: years subscription for the Journal, which, I think. commences with the August number, One dollar is for the Journal, commencing with the first number of Vol third. directed to Miss Rebecca Harr, Monroe- WisconsinAs Written:Wis, We already have four copies of your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in our family; myself and my daughtersEditorial Note: Katie B. Wright and Emma L. Wright. and Miss Harr, who lives at my sons next door to us. I wish to say something in regard to her. She received your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. today and wished me to acknowledge it for her. She has been a member of the Methodist church for several years, and is. I think a very earnest christian girl. she came to us last May a stranger, earning her support entirely by doing housework As Written: house work , and no friends that are able, or if able not willing to assist her. She says she had never known what it was to feel entirely well, and when I tried to interest her in Christian Science she feared it might conflict with her religious views, but she prayed that if the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science was right she might be healed in it, and suddenly felt that she was healed, that was on thanksgiving eve. and a firmer, more enthusiastic believer I think you cannot find, or one who, with her very limited educational advantages has so clear a spiritual insight into the science. She is giving her time almost wholly to the Bible and your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and to demonstrating. she has taken a lady patient, who has tried almost everything As Written: every thing else, and got no better. her limbs if not par alyzed are nearly so. is unable to walk without support, she has been treating her for four weeks, goes twice a week. the lady says she is feeling much better and is greatly interested in the Science, the books. are for her, Rebecca is very anxious to go to you, but as yet, has no means, would her lack of educational advantages be a very great detriment to her understanding your teachings so as to demonstrate quickly? As I now understand it. I believe her to have an unusual spiritual insight and I am anxious for her to go to you, as she wishes for nothing better than a knowledge of the Science, and intends to make it her life work, She told me today As Written: to-day that if she could get to you, she would be willing to do anything As Written: any thing you thought best, to pay you for instruction. Please pardon me for trespassing As Written: tresspasing so long on your time, but for myself I wish to say that I love and believe. and hope I am coming into the understanding of the Truth, as taught by you, and would love dearly to be a student of yours did circumstances permit.

With love. and gratitude
Yours Lucy, B, Wright,
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy,

Enclosed please find P. O. order for $8,34 ctsEditorial Note: $8.34 in 1886 is the equivalent of $240.41 in 2021., for which I wish two copies of your la [?] Unclear or illegible  test edition of Science and Health,- One I wish for my own use, and would like it in two books if you have them. if you have not got them, but intend to have them in that form, I think I can dispose of mine and will wait for :price so conclude that it is the same as the others. One dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $28.83 in 2021. is for the first years Corrected: year's numbers of the Journal, if you have them, if not, apply it on the coming years Corrected: year's subscription for the Journal, which, I think. commences with the August number, One dollar is for the Journal, commencing with the first number of Vol third. directed to Miss Rebecca Harr, Monroe- WisExpanded:Wisconsin, We already have four copies of your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in our family; myself and my daughtersEditorial Note: Katie B. Wright and Emma L. Wright. and Miss Harr, who lives at my sons next door to us. I wish to say something in regard to her. She received your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. today and wished me to acknowle [?] Unclear or illegible dge it for her. She has been a member of the Methodist church for several years, and is. I think a very [?] Unclear or illegible  earnest christian girl. she came to us last May a stranger, earning her support entirely by doing house work Corrected: housework , and no friends that are able, or if able not willing to assist her. [?] Unclear or illegible  She says she had never known what it was to feel entirely well, and when I tried to interest her in Christian Science she feared it might conflict with her religious views, but she prayed that if the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science was right she might be healed in it, and suddenly felt that she was healed, that was on thanksgiving eve. and a firmer, more enthusiastic believer I think you cannot find, or one who, with her very limited educational advantages has so clear a spiritual insight into the science. She is giving her time almost wholly to the Bible and your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and to demonstrating. she has taken a lady patient, who has tried almost every thing Corrected: everything else, and got no better. her limbs if not par [?] Unclear or illegible  alyzed are nearly so. is unable to walk without support, she has been treating her for four weeks, goes twice a week. the lady says she is feeling much better and is greatly interested in the Science, the books. are for her, Rebecca is very anxious to go to you, but as yet, has no means, would her lack of educational advantages be a very great detriment to her understanding your teachings so as to demonstrate quickly? As I now understand it. I believe her to have an unusual spiritual insight and I am anxious for her to go to you, as she wishes for nothing better than a knowledge of the Science, and intends to make it her life work, She told me to-day Corrected: today that if she could get to you, she would be willing to do any thing Corrected: anything you thought best, to pay you for instruction. Please pardon me for tresspasing Corrected: trespassing so long on your time, but for myself I wish to say that I love and believe. and hope I am coming into the understanding of the Truth, as taught by you, and would love dearly to be a student of yours did circumstances permit.

With love. and gratitude
Yours Lucy, B, Wright,
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$8.34 in 1886 is the equivalent of $240.41 in 2021. $1.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $28.83 in 2021. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Katie B. Wright and Emma L. Wright This letter is not extant. Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy