That there is something in Christian Science I doubt not, though no cure has come under my observation, and thoughAs Written:tho. I cannot understand your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Yet as one who has made the action of mind somewhat a study, and who has also experienced emotions which words cannot make clear to the ordinary mind, I believe; that the realm of mind is as yet unexplored. I believe that the highest truths are not learned, but felt and that in the day we fully trust the MasterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ we shall be like himI John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. . I shall go reading your book, if perchance I may at last see the light. In the meantimeAs Written:mean time I wish My sister to receive this treatment. If not from you, from someone whom you recommend. She lives in Medina New YorkAs Written:N. Y. What course shall I pursue She knows nothing of the treatment, nor of my purpose. Will you advise me?
I think you must use terms in a different than the ordinary sense. If I could get the thought (as practical) on one page I might understand the next. I have often wished there were a footnote here and there to help the reader. For truly the most intelligent will be puzzled. You say "Of course they will?" Well, if a book be published, of course it is expected that the writer has given the thought for the purpose of having it understood, and to aid intricate passages sometimes an explanation is absolutely As Written: absoulutely necessary, especially when the meaning lies in the realm of the Unseen, and is interlaced, and interwoven, running parallel As Written: parellel with and crossed at right angles by lines of truth as high above the common mind as the Christ above His creature.
The book is large, for you repeat yourself on every page. It seems a continued reiteration of something which you think we all should know, and for which you wish no price. The same great truth, which none of us can fathom, is o'er and o'er being made emphatic, and we all cry out, "What is it that she wishes us to know! Now my dear friend I'm not unfavorably criticizing As Written: criticising your book, I am only anxious to understand it and I want some help to read. For instance you seem to set at naught the basis of all knowledge, i.e. our intuitions. On page 19 you say "Matter is belief of mind that has no cognizance of Spirit." What do you mean? "To mortal mind substance is matter." What do you mean? Do you mean that there is no substance, no matter? You seem to contradict yourself; you say there is but one mind, and again on page 36 you say "Electricity is the essence of mortal mind, the counterfeit of the true essence of the Eternal Mind, – the difference being that one is divine." Here you speak of two minds. Page 19, The spiritual He, She, and It are Mind. Well, what relation has that spiritual She to the electricity of mortal mind; say in my case. What class of actions may I think of as produced by the gases and forces of my mortal mind, and what class may I think of as produced by the "spiritual She." Do give me something, just one thought as a nucleus around which I may gather the world of precious truths you seem to have discovered. I'm sure there's something in the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, but the language of the book is so obscure, that surely the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science must suffer and languish long and souls well-nighAs Written:well nigh starve with food almost within their reach.
I can see how after many generations perfection might be attained by such teaching. But how at once you can apply the science that is; how all law of matter can at once be set aside and we be healed, is not made even moderately clear in your book. Then what is the book for, if we are not expected to be able to read it intelligently
Now Mrs. Eddy I know every minute of your time is precious, but I cannot come to you neither can I get the bit of information necessary to an intelligent reading of your book without your help.
On page 189, you say Mortal mind and body are one,– both must be changed into the immortal. I understand this change has been wrought in you. now will your body ever lose appearance of life or action? You see I want a footing.
Page 188, you say "The belief of the human mind robs and enslaves it." Is that evil, no for evil has no power page 189. Are error & evil synonymous As Written: synonomous terms? Page 188. "That mortal mind does govern every organ of the mortal body we have overwhelming proof." but mortal mind and body are one.
What do you mean by the term matter on page 178?
On page 36 "There is no material Truth." What do you mean? The scripture meaning of. the term Truth is, Inexorable Law of God. What do you mean by matter, and what do you mean by material TruthAs Written:Tuth?
Please let me hear from you soon. For I am anxious to go on reading more intelligently.
P. S. My friend, please excuse anything that may seem abrupt or assuming, for that is not the spirit in which I write. I wish to be a humble learner of the Truth, and if I only knew how you used terms I think I could get your thought from every page.