Accession: 722A.89.005
Editorial Title: Philo H. Weaver to Mary Baker Eddy, July 31, 1886
Author: Philo H. Weaver 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 31, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Philo H. Weaver on unlined paper from Jamestown, New York.
Archival Note: A bracket is drawn in pencil in the left margin of page 2 of this letter.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary B G. Eddy,
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass

Some time ago I purchased & have been studying Christian Science and have tried demonstrating its teachings. with good results. Would like very much to come & study with you. But cannot do so on account of finances. just at present am in very straitened As Written: straitined circumstances My friends say why don't As Written: dont you quit this fooling with Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. & go to work.

I can only reply. I am going to make a success of this. My only drawback being the want of graduating from the school. Can you suggest any plan by which I can succeed. without coming to see you & pursue As Written: persue a regular course. which I am unable to do at present.

Very Truly Yours
P H. Weaver

P S.

I have been an active member of the Presbyterian church for a number of years They are very much surprised at my course. I say if my understanding of the scriptures have hampered me in doing the work our masterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ requested. and now have found a key that that unlocks them to me Of all bigots I would be one of the worst if unwilling to use the key. and I will show them my faith by my worksJames 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. .

My whole time is spent in studying Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. every hour revealing something new. Consider it the most profound work. I have ever found When a small boy I used to ask my dear old Mother when reading the works of Christ why it could not be done todayAs Written:to day. she could not give me a satisfactory answer. I told her I believed I would live to see the day that I could do it. Christian ScienceAs Written:C, S has opened my eyes and now I want all the light there is to be obtained of humanity. Relying on God for success. please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Mary B G. Eddy,
Boston MassExpanded:Massachusetts

Some time ago I purchased & have been studying Christian Science and have tried demonstrating its teachings. with good results. Would like very much to come & study with you. bBut cannot do so on account of finances. just at present am [?] Unclear or illegible  in very straitined Corrected: straitened circumstances My friends say why dont Corrected: don't you quit this fooling with C. S.Expanded:Christian Science & go to work.

I can only reply. I am going to make a success of this. My only drawback being the want of graduating from the school. Can you suggest any plan by which I can succeed. without coming to see you & persue Corrected: pursue a regular course. which I am unable to do at present.

Very Truly Yours
P H. Weaver

P S.

I have been an active member of the Presbyterian church for a number of years They are very much surprised at my course. I say if my understanding of the scriptures have hampered me in doing the work our masterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ requested. and now have found a key that that unlocks them to me Of all bigots I would be one of the worst if unwilling to use the key. and I will show them my faith by my worksJames 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. .

My whole time is spent in studying C. S.Expanded:Christian Science every hour revealing something new. Consider it the most profound work. I have ever found When a small boy I used to ask my dear old Mother when reading the works of Christ why it could not be done to dayCorrected:today. she could not give me a satisfactory answer. I told her I believed I would live to see the day that I could do it. C, SExpanded:Christian Science has opened my eyes and now I want all the light there is to be obtained of humanity. Relying on God for success. please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience


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Jesus Christ