Jamestown, New YorkAs Written:N Y, July 31st 1886.
Some time ago I purchased & have been studying Christian Science and have tried demonstrating its teachings. with good results. Would like very much to come & study with you. But cannot do so on account of finances. just at present am in very straitened As Written: straitined circumstances My friends say why don't As Written: dont you quit this fooling with Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. & go to work.
I can only reply. I am going to make a success of this. My only drawback being the want of graduating from the school. Can you suggest any plan by which I can succeed. without coming to see you & pursue As Written: persue a regular course. which I am unable to do at present.
P S.
I have been an active member of the Presbyterian church for a number of years They are very much surprised at my course. I say if my understanding of the scriptures have hampered me in doing the work our masterEditorial Note: Jesus Christ requested. and now have found a key that that unlocks them to me Of all bigots I would be one of the worst if unwilling to use the key. and I will show them my faith by my worksJames 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. .
My whole time is spent in studying Christian ScienceAs Written:C. S. every hour revealing something new. Consider it the most profound work. I have ever found When a small boy I used to ask my dear old Mother when reading the works of Christ why it could not be done todayAs Written:to day. she could not give me a satisfactory answer. I told her I believed I would live to see the day that I could do it. Christian ScienceAs Written:C, S has opened my eyes and now I want all the light there is to be obtained of humanity. Relying on God for success. please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience