I see a noticeAs Written:anotic of you in the Louisville Courier as Being a Mind Case Doctor I have a daughter inflicted Badly She is the Mother of 3 children her disease As Written: disase is the displacement of her Right ovary & falling of the womb As Written: woomb several As Written: seazal of the best Drs has tried their As Written: there Best to cure her & have failed & My Daughter in-law As Written: enlay Mrs Ralph Ussery her afflictions are same what Different she has stricture As Written: shicture of the urethra As Written: urethera will you kind enough to Dr Them My Daughters name is Mrs Johnie Willims Please write As Written: wright at what time & Plan they must As Written: mus consider their As Written: there mind at for treatmentAs Written:treat ment & then make out your Bill & send it to me at Saulsbury As Written: Soulsbury Hardeman county As Written: coonty TennesseeAs Written:Tenn - & all us will be greatly As Written: grealy oblige & if you cure Mrs Williams it will be a miracle As Written: merical but such has been As Written: bin done before or I or they would not Bother it so you see I have a good dealAs Written:agoodeal of faith in you -