Springfield MassachusettsAs Written:Mass #71 Walnut St
2/1st 1885
⇉ Handshift:Calvin A. Frye[*]Editorial Note: There is what appears to be shorthand written here.
“Pardon Me” for intruding upon precious time. Sometime since while in Chicago I was led to read and notice a great of the beautiful doctrine taught in your Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. & other works. It is something that takes fast hold of an aspiring, Spiritual Minded person, clings, persistently demanding attention and thorough investigation. For sometime past I have felt, & do now a great desire to give myself wholly to the work. Soul and body. I pray most earnestly I may be led and taught how to do that glorious work. I have known something – Am still reaching out, But sometimes feel like a person grasping in the Dark. Your CS Journal is before me, And enclosed I send the card of one that has recently come among us. Please inform me if I can be taught by him the Same as of you, and can I receive a certificate or Diploma – to that effect, and then can I be prepared to teach? I would go immediately to you if I could do so – But I have so little to commence with. Scarcely anything but a firm determination to do all I can – and to work in this grand – and high calling – I know it to be everything that is Lofty and Holy – I feel it to be so – Your works are indeed so inspiring. I do not wonder. They Heal in Mind & body – They lift me up sustain and help – My husband died nearly six years ago. And in every way I have been perplexed and worried. until I was led to the blessed truth as found in your writings. I am so grateful for it all. I now give my life my all to the work – If never so little – You can assist me – will be gratefully received just a line or So –