Having read a copy of your book "Science & Health,"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (Kindly loaned by Mr W. I. Currier, of Bangor, MaineAs Written:Me) and becoming interested, I desire to study the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, with a view to practicing and teaching it.
Please inform me in reference to your method of teaching; if classes are always forming; also what books, and other literature you can furnish, with prices; (Which I will forward at once) So that I may read up and be prepared for practical teaching at the earliest opportunity to visit BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts.
I expect to be able to do so in AugustAs Written:august. May be accompanied by an interesting case; a young man who has acquired the Alcohol habit through medical advice, and fear for the results of Lung diseaseAs Written:Lung-disease. A Knowledge of Metaphysics, and how to use them, is about the only chance for him to ever become useful again.
Not being blessed (or cursed) with an abundance of this world's goods, I would like you to be as Moderate in terms, as consistent, &c.
There are teachers of the systemEditorial Note: Christian Science here; but I have a Boston Yankee's prejudice As Written: predjudice for going to the source for information and supplies.
I will add that having taken special observations from my practice (without using any system) since reading your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy last winter, I consider your systemEditorial Note: Christian Science as supplying the most important healing principle, by recognizing the long-perverted mind-power to accomplish all practical results.