I have received your notice of the next Primary classEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, and long to attend it. I believe I can do so if you will take me now for, two hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $200 in 1884 is the equivalent of $5,643.01 in 2018., and allow me to pay the other hundredEditorial Note: $100 in 1884 is the equivalent of $2,821.50 in 2018. later – I think I can do it within six months.
If you are willing for this arrangement please write me on receipt of this so I can make preparations to go. If you decide later not to have the class at this time – sometimes they have been put off will you be so kind as to telegraph me to that effect at my expense.
I wrote this letter a day or two ago and did not send because of the opposition that arose when & mentioned it. I do not know what is my duty and I do want to know and do it. Please reply as requested and I will come if it is at all possible, and if I do not it is from no lack of a great desire to do so