Accession: 709AP1.84.042
Editorial Title: George O. Sanborn to Mary Baker Eddy, June 8, 1885
Author: George O. Sanborn 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 8, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by George O. Sanborn on printed stationery of Grace Church Philadelphia (Baptist), from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your offer to give me a regular course of instruction As Written: intruction in Christian Science by my giving you my note for / 200.Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,303.26 in 2020. payableAs Written:pay able in one year is Satisfactory. for I believe I can & am enough to have that amountAs Written:amt. to Spare and much more if I can complete the Studies I have begun. I want if understood that I can have 33% credit on pupils I may bring in during the year, who shall pay three hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $300.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7,954.89 in 2020. - to apply on my note. This is a suggestion you made in a previous letter.

I will endeavor to be promptly As Written: promply on hand at commencement the first of Sept.

Gratefully yours
George O. Sanborn
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Your offer to give me a regular course of intruction Corrected: instruction in Christian Science by my giving you my note for / 200.Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,303.26 in 2020. pay ableCorrected:payable in one year is Satisfactory. for I believe I can & am enough to have that amt.Expanded:amount to Spare and much more if I can complete the Studies I have begun. I want if understood that I can have 33% credit on pupils I may bring in during the year, who shall pay three hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $300.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7,954.89 in 2020. - to apply on my note. This is a suggestion you made in a previous letter.

I will endeavor to be promply Corrected: promptly on hand at commencement the first of Sept.

Gratefully yours
Geo. O. Sanborn
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$200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,303.26 in 2020. $300.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $7,954.89 in 2020.