⇉ Handshift:Lillian A. RootDenver Oct 2d /86
I write to ask your advice in regard to going to your College. I have been devoting my entire time since the middle of June last to healing by Christian Science. I had been an invalid for years until some six months ago when I was healed, I took instructions from Miss Minnie Hall– and am now devoting my life to the work. At first I expected to treat only a few As Written: fiew patients but am drifting into a large practice, and wish to do the very best I can for my patients I feel that I cannotAs Written:can not wait until Spring before going to see you, It would be better for me in some respects to be "a Normal student of Mrs Eddies" but I know I am not entitled to that course until I have done a year's As Written: years good work. So far as I am personallyAs Written:personaly concerned I would as soon take the "Obstetrical cours', or for "Mental healing" I would like the privilegeAs Written:privalege of teaching & have friends who are anxious that I should fit myself As Written: my-self for it- but I do not think my work lies in that direction. In fact I do not wish to teach, but I do want to take some course with you this Fall if you think best.
Mrs Heathwood is teaching for $12.50Editorial Note: $12.50 in 1886 is the equivalent of $405.19 in 2023. per course & turning out great numbers of students the interest in metaphysics is universal, and I think your followers should not leave a stone unturned, to obtain all the light possible for the advancement of DivineAs Written:Devine Healing. My practice for the past few As Written: fiew weeks has been more among acuteAs Written:accute diseasesAs Written:deseases than chronic, I suppose a year's As Written: years faithful work would gain my patients' As Written: patients confidence as much as anythingAs Written:any thing else, perhaps more, but I want to do the best I can now I want to go to you, I feel that I will gain confidence myselfAs Written:my-self. and that it will be better for me in every wayAs Written:war - When will you have your next Mental Healing class? Could I take the Obstetrical course this Fall? Please advise me. as to whether it would be best to work the year out- or go to you now & take the first course or whateverAs Written:what ever you see fit to give me. I have not the means myself As Written: my-self to take so expensive a trip and instructions, but two patients have offered to loan me the money- One of which leaves for Europe soon. Consequently I must As Written: musd decide immediately- So if you will telegraph me I will be greatly obliged, I can bring references and testimonials if you wish-