Nov 3. 1884.
I received yesterday, through Mr Frye, your very kind and liberal invitationEditorial Note: This invitation in not extant. to join the classEditorial Note: Class at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College formed today.
I regret exceedingly that present circumstances forbid my availing myself of this great privilegeAs Written:privalege. The next two months will probably be the busiest ones in the year in the occupation I follow – and I know that should I ask the privilegeAs Written:privalege of a portion of time to devote to this subject. I should be told to leave altogether. As I am dependent on my daily labor for the support of my family – you see the position in which I am placed.
After the New Year possibly I might make some arrangement whereby I could controlAs Written:controll a portion of my time.
Believe me, Mrs Eddy: I am deeply grateful for your kind invitation, and if possible I hope sometime to know the things I now see as though a glass, darklyI Cor 13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. – I am hoping for the day when I shall drop this belief of material things and see only Him who is Spirit. I love to meditate on the pure and only true life, and hope to attain it.
I am yours, gratefully,