March 23, 1885.
I have read the Journal of Christian Science with great interest also your replies to certain questions at the symposium in Tremont TempleEditorial Note: This is a reference to Mary Baker Eddy’s reply in Tremont Temple on March 16, 1885, to attacks on Christian Science by Joseph Cook and A. J. Gordon. It was also published in the April 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. last Monday, and I am therefore prompted to address you in reference to Christian Science which is surely gaining ground in its noble mission of conquering evil. Christian Science aims to establish what Our SaviorEditorial Note: Jesus Christ taught - "have Faith in God."Mark 11:22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. Are there not analogies between Christian Science and Swedenborgianism? Both are ethical sciences appealing to the human understanding by the Infinite Love of God towards man as revealed by His Word of Truth in the Holy Scriptures.
Being of Swedish parentage I speak and read the Swedish language (although I have never been in Sweden,) and hence I am somewhat acquainted with the writings of this eminent philosopher.
Very Respectfully Yours
P. O. Box 145.
MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
MarchAs Written:Mch 24/85
E. J. S.