Accession: 672B.74.043
Editorial Title: William G. Gould to Mary Baker Eddy, October 12, 1885
Author: William G. Gould 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: October 12, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by William G. Gould on lined printed stationery of Hotel Ryan from Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeOct 18

Having As Written: Haveing for some time been interested in your method of healing the sickEditorial Note: Christian Science. I take the liberty to write you in behalf of a neighbor and friend of mine. A Mr. Montgomery who has been a resident of this CityEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota for many years. and an extensive energetic business man. has massed a large fortune. now at the age of 51 years he is in bed very low with what the best Doctors in all the country say is cancer of the stomach. and also a tumor in the bowels. and all pronounce him incurable and have told him he cannot live but a very short time. and they could do no more for him. he then told them all it was no benefit for them to visit Him any more and discharged them. and then sent for a lady his neighbor who is a very good nurse to come and care for him. and since she has had the care of him he is more comfortable and he thinks by some means he ought to be raised. however his faith in the doctors has failedAs Written:faild. the lady nurse seems to have some faith in the mind cure. now Mrs Eddy I have said nothing to any one except my wife in regard to writingAs Written:writeing you about Mr Montgomerys case. but money is no object if he can be raised. Mr Wm H. Evens who now lives at Clarendon HillsEditorial Note: Clarendon Hills, Illinois writes me he has been benefited very much by your treatmentEditorial Note: Christian Science he is a friend of mine for many years. will you please be kind enough to inform me your views of Mr. Montgomerys case and (you) shall be paid the expense for your trouble et ceteraAs Written:&c.

Respectfully yours
W.G. Gould
45 Hoffman Avenue.
St Paul MinnesotaAs Written:Minn
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeOct 18

Haveing Corrected: Having for some time been interested in your method of healing the sickEditorial Note: Christian Science. I take the liberty to write you in behalf of a neighbor and friend of mine. A Mr. Montgomery who has been a resident of this CityEditorial Note: Saint Paul, Minnesota for many years. and an extensive energetic business man. has massed a large fortune. now at the age of 51 years he is in bed very low with what the best Doctors in all the country say is cancer of the stomach. and also a tumor in the bowels. and all pronounce him incurable and have told him he cannot live but a very short time. and they could do no more for him. he then told them all it was no benefit for them to visit Him any more and discharged them. and then sent for a lady his neighbor who is a very good nurse to come and care for him. and since she has had the care of him he is more comfortable and he thinks by some means he ought to be raised. however his faith in the doctors has faildCorrected:failed. the lady nurse seems to have some faith in the mind cure. now Mrs Eddy I have said nothing to any one except my wife in regard to writeingCorrected:writing you about Mr Montgomerys case. but money is no object if he can be raised. Mr Wm H. Evens who now lives at Clarendon HillsEditorial Note: Clarendon Hills, Illinois writes me he has been benefited very much by your treatmentEditorial Note: Christian Science he is a friend of mine for many years. will you please be kind enough to inform me your views of Mr. Montgomerys case and (you) shall be paid the expense for your trouble &cExpanded:et cetera.

Respectfully yours
W.G. Gould
45 Hoffman Avenue.
St Paul MinnExpanded:Minnesota
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Christian Science Saint Paul, Minnesota Clarendon Hills, Illinois Christian Science Saint Paul, Minnesota