Accession: 672B.74.032
Editorial Title: Lucinda R. Gott to Mary Baker Eddy, December 4, 1884
Author: Lucinda R. Gott 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 4, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lucinda R. Gott on the lined printed stationery of Gott’s Hotel, from Fitchburg, Masachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Eddy. –
Dear Madam. –

We have heard much of your success in treating the sick and have been advised by parties who have great confidence in your treatment to give you my husbands case.

Two years ago last 4th of July he was stricken with paralysis As Written: Paralyses his right side was utterly helpless. he has gradually As Written: gradualy improved and can get around with the aid of a cane. Still he is unable to use his right hand in the least. Can possibly raise it to his face. his general health is quite poor this winter being obliged to take medicine all the time. a year ago this winter he had stoppage of the bowels and since then has had great trouble in keeping his bowels in good condition. they are constipated & irregular

Last August he had an apoplectic As Written: appopletic fit while walking on the street and a few weeks afterwards had another. he had a slight attack about ten days ago, but not so bad. We have tried almost everything As Written: every thing and now we propose to try you. My husband is well known all over the country and if you cure him it will be a great achievement for you. Please inform us as early as possible what measures to take to obtain treatment of you.

We await your answer with great interest.

Very Respectfully Yours
Mrs. C.O. Gott
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Eddy. –
Dear Madam. –

We have heard much of your success in treating the sick and have been advised by parties who have great confidence in your treatment to give you my husbands case.

Two years ago last 4th of July he was stricken with Paralyses Corrected: paralysis his right side was utterly helpless. he has gradualy Corrected: gradually improved and can get around with the aid of a cane. Still he is unable to use his right hand in the least. Can possibly raise it to his face. his general health is quite poor this winter being obliged to take medicine all the time. a year ago this winter he had stoppage of the bowels and since then has had great trouble in keeping his bowels in good condition. they are constipated & irregular

Last August he had an appopletic Corrected: apoplectic fit while walking on the street and a few weeks afterwards had another. he had a slight attack about ten days ago, but not so bad. We have tried almost every thing Corrected: everything and now we propose to try you. My husband is well known all over the country and if you cure him it will be a great achievement for you. Please inform us as early as possible what measures to take to obtain treatment of you.

We await your answer with great interest.

Very Respectfully Yours
Mrs. C.O. Gott
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