⇉ Handshift:M. D. BellWarren Jan 10th 1885
I visited a house yesterday where I found a Mother & daughter both in Bed the mother had a tumor As Written: Tumer in the Bowels & dropsy The tumor As Written: Tumer has been coming on for a number of years & for the last two As Written: too or three As Written: thre years dropsy She has been Tapped As Written: Taped Several times which would relieve her for weeks & they think every time will As Written: well be the last they are putting As Written: puting her off now not expecting her to recover the operation Her Daughter also has a swelling on or in her side & in Bed
I was at Chicago last Summer took treatment of one of your Students Miss Brown Bought your Books Science & healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. take your paper & by reading your Books infer you can give absent treatments successfully As Written: Successfuly Now can you cure these Ladies they are poor have paid all their money to physicians As Written: physitions with no avail The Daughter has only been confined to her Bed a week
I wish you would Send one of your competent Students here. we have four or five Thousand inhabitants As Written: inhabitents & many Sick people that would be happy to See Someone As Written: Some one that could Cure them
direct Warren Warren Co PennsylvaniaAs Written:PA
Care Bell Brothers)
PS I could say much more but know you cannot read long letters for the want of time