I write for information which I trust you will give me. There is coming here a lady to teach "Mental Science, the Mrs Eddy System" - I have forgotten her name, but she is the daughterEditorial Note: Either Ada W. Powers (b. Baker) (1858-1953) or Florence N. Burgman (b. Baker) (1860-1941) of Mrs Helen Wilmans, Ed– of the "Woman'sAs Written:Womans World" = She studied under her mother, Mrs W = who had studies under Mrs Hopkins = Mrs Hopkins I understand was one of your Students: The lady who is securing her services is a Magnetic Healer – a Spiritualist – She wanted a friend of mine to take Lessons = but I advised my friend not to – until we were sure, who our teachers are. The healer gets her lessons free if she can get a certain number at $50Editorial Note: $50.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $1,620.76 in 2023. each. My friend is poor, no means to waste; or spend on any but the pure fruit of the vine.
Give me your advice please as to the parties mentioned privately, as I do not wish this to be public, but we do want the truth.
Mrs Wilmans & daughter also Mrs Hopkins living in Chicago