Accession: 639P3.65.028
Editorial Title: Isabella A. Beecher to Mary Baker Eddy, March 9, 1885
Author: Isabella A. Beecher 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 9, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Isabella A. Beecher on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter is incomplete.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

I send you the following report of the last meeting.

Regular meeting of the C.S.A. of ChicagoEditorial Note: This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. held at Mr. Morrill’s rooms, Thursday, Mar. 5, at 4 P.M. 13 members present. Pres. Brown in chair. Meeting opened by repeating Lord’s Prayer. Minutes of last meeting read & accepted.

Charter granted by Boston C.S.A. to the Branch C.S.A. of Chicago, & signed by Mrs. Eddy, was read by the SecretaryAs Written:Sec.

The charter states that our Society will become a Branch upon adapting Constitution and By-laws As Written: By laws of Boston C.S.A., one of these laws being that no student be admitted hereafter that had not studied with Mrs. Eddy or one of her normal class. Objections were made to this law on the ground that there were those who had not studied with Mrs. Eddy or her normal class, who were nevertheless practicing in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science; but these objections were overruled and the charter was accepted by unanimous vote.

It was stated that we were already a branch, but that we would not be considered a branch henceforward unless we accepted the charter, as the Boston C.S.A governs all branch societies. It was decided that Mrs. Beecher , being a charter member, could remain a member under their charter. now adopted.

Mr. Morrill read his “caution” which he is going to send out with the pamphlets on “Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S.

In it he states how few, out of the many who profess to teach and practice C.S., are really fit to do so, and that those can be known by enquiring of the SecretaryAs Written:Sec. of Chicago C.S.A.

The anonymous letterEditorial Note: This is possibly “What is Christian Science?” which was published in the February 14, 1885, issue of the Boston Traveller and then in the March 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. to the Boston Traveler As Written: Traveller was read. It was voted to publish this letter in the Chicago papers & left in the hands of the committee on publication as to price, time of publication and papers to be published in. Letter from Mr. Gordon, condemning Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S. read for the amusement of the meeting. Dr. Scully, 2216 Wabash Ave. purporting to teach and practice metaphysics, direct from Mrs. Eddy’s College, was exposed.

Report of cases – Mrs. Philbrick reports a case where husband & wife are uncongenial. AnswerAs Written:Ans. Treat against malicious mesmerism, unforgiveness, self-will & being uncharitable; treat for harmony, happiness and good will As Written: good-will .

Mr. Morrill spoke of a case where he had restored harmony between a mother and two daughters, who were very much set against each other. Also of a case he had had since Aug. which he had nearly cured and then, when the case relapsed, he had treated a week & half against[*]Editorial Note: This is the last page of Beecher's letter that is extant and it ends mid-sentence.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

I send you the following report of the last meeting.

Regular meeting of the C.S.A. of ChicagoEditorial Note: This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. held at Mr. Morrill’s rooms, Thursday, Mar. 5, at 4 P.M. 13 members present. Pres. Brown in chair. Meeting opened by repeating Lord’s Prayer. Minutes of last meeting read & accepted.

Charter granted by Boston C.S.A. to the Branch C.S.A. of Chicago, & signed by Mrs. Eddy, was read by the Sec.Expanded:Secretary

The charter states that our Society will become a Branch upon adapting Constitution and By laws Corrected: By-laws of Boston C.S.A., one of these laws being that no student be admitted hereafter that had not studied with Mrs. Eddy or one of her normal class. Objections were made to this law on the ground that there were those who had not studied with Mrs. Eddy or her normal class, who were nevertheless practicing in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science; but these objections were overruled and the charter was accepted by unanimous vote.

It was stated that we were already a branch, but that we would not be considered a branch henceforward unless we accepted the charter, as the Boston C.S.A governs all branch societies. It was decided that Mrs. Beecher , being a charter member, could remain a member under their charter. now adopted.

Mr. Morrill read his “caution” which he is going to send out with the pamphlets on “C.S.Expanded:Christian Science

In it he states how few, out of the many who profess to teach and practice C.S., are really fit to do so, and that those can be known by enquiring of the Sec.Expanded:Secretary of Chicago C.S.A.

The anonymous letterEditorial Note: This is possibly “What is Christian Science?” which was published in the February 14, 1885, issue of the Boston Traveller and then in the March 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. to the Boston Traveller Corrected: Traveler was read. It was voted to publish this letter in the Chicago papers & left in the hands of the committee on publication as to price, time of publication and papers to be published in. Letter from Mr. Gordon, condemning C.S.Expanded:Christian Science read for the amusement of the meeting. Dr. Scully, 2216 Wabash Ave. purporting to teach and practice metaphysics, direct from Mrs. Eddy’s College, was exposed.

Report of cases – Mrs. Philbrick reports a case where husband & wife are uncongenial. Ans.Expanded:Answer Treat against malicious mesmerism, unforgiveness, self-will & being uncharitable; treat for harmony, happiness and good-will Corrected: good will .

Mr. Morrill spoke of a case where he had restored harmony between a mother and two daughters, who were very much set against each other. Also of a case he had had since Aug. which he had nearly cured and then, when the case relapsed, he had treated a week & half against[*]Editorial Note: This is the last page of Beecher's letter that is extant and it ends mid-sentence.

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This was a branch of the Christian Scientist Association in Boston, Massachusetts. Christian Science This is possibly “What is Christian Science?” which was published in the February 14, 1885, issue of the Boston Traveller and then in the March 1885 issue of The Christian Science Journal. This is the last page of Beecher's letter that is extant and it ends mid-sentence.