Having been informed by Mr. Bradley, that the proposition, made by me in writing to Building Committee of Church of Christ (Scientist) had been signed by the Committee and submitted to you for your approval.– I herewith submit preliminary sketches of proposed church, adapted to lot purchased, prepared at my expense, in the hope that I may receive the order to go ahead and prepare the necessary plans during the next four months– so that the church may be built ready for occupancy next Sept. or Oct. (1887)
Mr Gill suggested that rooms might be made over main hall; but I am of opinion that if rooms are desired, that they could be more satisfactorily and cheaply constructed on lots of land adjoining Church Lot to be purchased for that purpose at any time when sufficient ways and means could be provided.
The probable cost of Church as represented in plans would be about Forty Thousand DollarsEditorial Note: $40,000 in 1886 is the equivalent of $1,296,604.96 in 2023. without land.
I should be pleased to meet you and committee at any appointed time.