Accession: 589.60.024
Editorial Title: Mattie Williams to Mary Baker Eddy, November 15, 1885
Author: Mattie Williams 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 15, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mattie Williams on embossed lined paper from Columbus, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

A long time has passed since I have written you or received a word from you, I have thought perhaps the article I sent offended you But if so God knoweth it was not my intention to wound. As it did not appear I sent to Mrs Hopkins to have it returned, as I had not kept a copy & she wrote me that she knew nothing of it, having never seen or heard of it. I will enclose her letterEditorial Note: See 550.58.023. and postal to me in reference to the same. I wrote her that Dr Fry had told a falsehoodAs Written:false hood in reference to it as I had never written you for its return in fact had never written you or received a line from you since I sent the manuscriptAs Written:M. S. I did think it rather strange that no word should ever come from you dear teacher, I did not care that my little article was rejected I knew well that your Judgment As Written: Judgement was correct, I wrote that article in haste and did not revise it as I ought to have done. I now write and rewriteAs Written:re-write in the light of God, not in haste, I sent my last letter to Mrs Hopkins in Mrs Cross care. Mrs C. answered me, but no word have I yet receivedAs Written:recd from Mrs Hopkins I enclosed one of my articles recently published in one of our city papers. I will enclose a copy in this letter Next week I shall have one appear subject Ideal Architecture will send you a copy– God is with me in my work praise His dear name, The realization of Truth does make us freeJohn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. , and does help us to free others– God is a unit, God is one and there is none beside Him on earth or in heaven,

Yours in Truth
Mattie Williams

P. S. You will notice that the compositor made three mistakes in my manuscriptAs Written:M. S.- but that is not unusual in newspaperAs Written:news paper typography I learn-

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

aA long time has passed since I have written you or received a word from you, I have thought perhaps the article I sent offended you But if so God knoweth it was not my intention to wound. As it did not appear I sent to Mrs Hopkins to have it returned, as I had not kept a copy & she wrote me that she knew nothing of it, having never seen or heard of it. I will enclose her letterEditorial Note: See 550.58.023. and postal to me in reference to the same. I wrote her that Dr Fry had told a false hoodCorrected:falsehood in reference to it as I had never written you for its return in fact had never written you or received a line from you since I sent the M. S.Expanded:manuscript I did think it rather strange that no word should ever come from you dear teacher, I did not care that my little article was rejected I knew well that your Judgement Corrected: Judgment was correct, I wrote that article in haste and did not revise it as I ought to have done. I now write and re-writeCorrected:rewrite in the light of God, not in haste, I sent my last letter to Mrs Hopkins in Mrs Cross care. Mrs C. answered me, but no word have I yet recdExpanded:received from Mrs Hopkins I enclosed one of my articles recently published in one of our city papers. I will enclose a copy in this letter Next week I shall have one appear subject Ideal Architecture will send you a copy– God is with me in my work praise hHis dear name, The realization of Truth does make us freeJohn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. , and does help us to free others– God is a unit, God is one and there is none beside Him on earth or in heaven,

Yours in Truth
Mattie Williams

P. S. You will notice that the compositor made three mistakes in my M. S.Expanded:manuscript- but that is not unusual in news paperCorrected:newspaper typography I learn-

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