A long time has passed since I have written you or received a word from you, I have thought perhaps the article I sent offended you But if so God knoweth it was not my intention to wound. As it did not appear I sent to Mrs Hopkins to have it returned, as I had not kept a copy & she wrote me that she knew nothing of it, having never seen or heard of it. I will enclose her letterEditorial Note: See 550.58.023. and postal to me in reference to the same. I wrote her that Dr Fry had told a falsehoodAs Written:false hood in reference to it as I had never written you for its return in fact had never written you or received a line from you since I sent the manuscriptAs Written:M. S. I did think it rather strange that no word should ever come from you dear teacher, I did not care that my little article was rejected I knew well that your Judgment As Written: Judgement was correct, I wrote that article in haste and did not revise it as I ought to have done. I now write and rewriteAs Written:re-write in the light of God, not in haste, I sent my last letter to Mrs Hopkins in Mrs Cross care. Mrs C. answered me, but no word have I yet receivedAs Written:recd from Mrs Hopkins I enclosed one of my articles recently published in one of our city papers. I will enclose a copy in this letter Next week I shall have one appear subject Ideal Architecture will send you a copy– God is with me in my work praise His dear name, The realization of Truth does make us freeJohn 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. , and does help us to free others– God is a unit, God is one and there is none beside Him on earth or in heaven,
P. S. You will notice that the compositor made three mistakes in my manuscriptAs Written:M. S.- but that is not unusual in newspaperAs Written:news paper typography I learn-