Accession: 589.60.015
Editorial Title: Mattie Williams to Mary Baker Eddy, December 7, 1884
Author: Mattie Williams 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 7, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mattie Williams on embossed lined paper from Columbus, Wisconsin.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy,
My beloved teacher

Your precious letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. so full of Gospel truth came to me as a refreshing shower, as the sweet calm after a toilsome day, God bless you. My dearest Sister in Christ, “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me”John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: . The voice of Truth has no uncertain sound, I do this Holy day more than ever praise my Heavenly Father for the seeds of early piety sown in my heart by the voice of my blessed saintly mother

We are not for one moment to lay down our Watch. We find alongside As Written: along side God’s As Written: Gods blessing for strict obedience and watching unto prayer. The warnings against lethargy like warmness and above all sleep. We are not only to watch but to be of a sober mind. Able at all times to comprehend somewhat As Written: some what of divine truth. Could I only see you, clasp your dear hand and hear your voice again – I have many things to say and much to tell you. I cannot As Written: can not explain in writing, and I have been so afraid that I was misjudging some of my Sisters and brothers in this causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science

It also seems impossible to get word from here to Boston or from there here. I wrote two letters to Dr Buswell requesting Dr Bartols two last sermons. I wrote the first of last month. waited two weeks and wrote him again. Saying if he had not received the letter with order for two copies of sermons to let me know and I would again remit. I waited nearly two weeks, and receiving no sermons no reply I wrote Miss Mourn nearly two weeks ago, and asked her if my three letters to you had been received and requested her to speak to Mr Buswell about my order. I asked her to send me a time in reply, and no word do I get. I began to think I should never be able to hear from you, or anyone from me. Is it not very discouraging to write? I visited Dr Shermans family a couple of weeks since. I found them doing valiant As Written: valient service and following the teachings received at the College, My stay there was necessarily brief. I shall try to see more of them in the Spring – I shall go to Chicago twice during the year, as I do my fall and spring shopping there -

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy,
My beloved teacher

Your precious letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. so full of Gospel truth came to me as a refreshing shower, as the sweet calm after a toilsome day, God bless you. My dearest Sister in Christ, “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me”John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: . The voice of Truth has no uncertain sound, I do this Holy day more than ever praise my Heavenly Father for the seeds of early piety sown in my heart by the voice of my blessed saintly mother

We are not for one moment to lay down our Watch. We find along side Corrected: alongside Gods Corrected: God’s blessing for strict obedience and watching unto prayer. The warnings against lethargy like warmness and above all sleep. We are not only to watch but to be of a sober mind. Able at all times to comprehend some what Corrected: somewhat of divine truth. Could I only see you, clasp your dear hand and hear your voice again – I have many things to say and much to tell you. I can not Corrected: cannot explain in writing, and I have been so afraid that I was misjudging some of my Sisters and brothers in this causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science

It also seems impossible to get word from here to Boston or from there here. I wrote two letters to Dr Buswell requesting Dr Bartols two last sermons. I wrote the first of last month. waited two weeks and wrote him again. Saying if he had not received the letter with order for two copies of sermons to let me know and I would again remit. I waited nearly two weeks, and receiving no sermons no reply I wrote Miss Mourn nearly two weeks ago, and asked her if my three letters to you had been received and requested her to speak to Mr Buswell about my order. I asked her to send me a time in reply, and no word do I get. I began to think I should never be able to hear from you, or anyone from me. Is it not very discouraging to write? I visited Dr Shermans family a couple of weeks since. I found them doing valient Corrected: valiant service and following the teachings received at the College, My stay there was necessarily brief. I shall try to see more of them in the Spring – I shall go to Chicago twice during the year, as I do my fall and spring shopping there -

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This letter is not extant. The cause of Christian Science