Accession: 579.59.027
Editorial Title: A. J. and Katie Swarts to Mary Baker Eddy, December 20, 1885
Author: A. J. Swarts  Katie Swarts 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 20, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by A. J. Swarts on printed Mind-Cure Journal letterhead, from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs M B G Eddy
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Dear Sister

Yours of recent dateEditorial Note: See V00914. to Mrs Swarts came duly. She referred As Written: refered it to me with many kind remarks about you. I noted that you evinced a very proper spirit toward us both. You felt that I am not doing right toward you & Mrs. S. is apt to put off replies owing to her many matters. I told her that I would reply for her if she so desire & she says "do so & let her know that I confess & duly appreciate her & her fine discoveries".

Mrs S. is just in all her ways toward all persons & time does not change her. She & I accept the explanation about what led to some remarks about us. She said enough in a letter to you one year ago last fall. I presume to lead you to know there was at the time some estrangement. & as she named it herself we cannot blame if you remarked that far. but it hurt to learn that we were reported by your immediate friends as not married while we were on the 20 Feb. 1883 by Dr Noble of Union Park CongregationalAs Written:Cong. Church. ChicagoAs Written:Chic. Also it is true that I have a legal divorce from my former wife- I have regretted Mrs Plunkets course toward you. but it is a fact that I sent by her a proposition to you to make me some offer by which we might harmonize our work. She was psychologized by enemies to believe it a divine duty to assail you. It was doubtless very wrong & I was no party to it nor do I now justify it.

She was so officious in my wife's affairs & mine that it has hurt Mrs. S. deeply & she is almost unforgiving toward Mrs. P. & feels that she did her many wrongs by coming into her home & ignoring her entirely in so many ways which it is but vexatious As Written: vexacious to mention-

I hope that you will not see it best after all to try to down her. I fear that she went far out of the bounds of right when she assailed you in your own home. It would be highly divine to forgive it & for the feelings of her good husband & nice childrenEditorial Note: Paul Plunkett and Perl Plunkett. to let it pass. I know that she has suffered very much since over it. If she would confess the trespass it would be better. I think she was impulsive & led into it by others. If she sees that she was wrong she should apologize to you.

She is in no way associated with us now. I saw that Mrs S. & she could never work together & the reason is that Mrs. S. is a just & true woman, hence- for it & other reasons I changed my UniversityEditorial Note: Spiritual Science University last week to a stock basis & this put out every director & officer for a few hours while I was getting As Written: geting my charter from the State on the pecuniary plan- which I got the next day. I am now associating only four other men with me as directors. Mrs P. heard that I was determined to change thus & she imperiously demanded that I should not but I could heed her no longer & she sent in her resignation through another which was produced only 4 minutes before each director was out.

I have been very unjustly assailed of late because of the venom my MichiganAs Written:Mich. work stirred with many. Good friends have been alienated by a low traducing press. Papers may have been sent you. but as true as God is Life I am innocent of every fling they make. Four AttorneysAs Written:Attys. assure me that I have clear cause of action. I have demanded retraction by one but I think that I will bring action soon vs. the Detroit Eve. JournalEditorial Note: Detroit Evening Journal.

We have much to bear in this great work of reform & many opportunities As Written: oportunities to forgive. Sometimes I feel deeply & wish I could be excused from the work into which the FatherEditorial Note: God leads me- but I must obey God rather than my human sensesAs Written:sences-

It may seem hard to you that those whom you have intended & fitted to heal & teach should go out & seem to be against you- but after all may it not be like the birds who scatter & form their own homes after a faithful mother brought them to the possible? You led in the formative character of this great movement & my justice will always say that undying credit is due you. If many whom you counted upon to aid. seem to be against you- after all may it not be that God is leading them for the general Cause?

You will see in my Jany- Editorial that I am now turning from the physiologist Dr Merton. known as Sivartha As Written: Sidartha who attacked As Written: atacked you in my first issue Oct- 1884As Written:84. I never had an article by him after that first one. He has many fine points but his personal God theory kills him with me- & his belief in matter.

If the work by me & those whom God associates with our western work seems to oppose you. I think that your own fine system or ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science solves it in our hearts, & that if, like lawyers we work to win. still more of us will let anger nor revenge rule us. We cannot afford this. I want the baptism As Written: babtism of Love. Justice & loyalty to Truth to reign in my home & office & I trust that a trembling lip or a tear will guide & bless those with me & never a word of hate. We are not against you but we must work for the cause- Wishing you only well.

we are ever & truly Yours
A J Swarts
Mrs Katie Swarts
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs M B G Eddy
Boston Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
Dear Sister

Yours of recent dateEditorial Note: See V00914. to Mrs Swarts came duly. She refered Corrected: referred it to me with many kind remarks about you. I noted that you evinced a very proper spirit toward us both. You felt that I am not doing right toward you & Mrs. S. is apt to put off replies owing to her many matters. I told her that I would reply for her if she so desire & she says "do so & let her know that I confess & duly appreciate her & her fine discoveries".

Mrs S. is just in all her ways toward all persons & time does not change her. She & I accept the explanation about what led to some remarks about us. She said enough in a letter to you one year ago last fall. I presume to lead you to know there was at the time some estrangement. & as she named it herself we cannot blame if you remarked that far. but it hurt to learn that we were reported by your immediate friends as not married while we were on the 20 Feb. 1883 by Dr Noble of Union Park Cong.Expanded:Congregational Church. Chic.Expanded:Chicago Also it is true that I have a legal divorce from my former wife- I have regretted Mrs Plunkets course toward you. but it is a fact that I sent by her a proposition to you to make me some offer by which we might harmonize our work. She was psychologized by enemies to believe it a divine duty to assail you. It was doubtless very wrong & I was no party to it nor do I now justify it.

She was so officious in my wife's affairs & mine that it has hurt Mrs. S. deeply & she is almost unforgiving toward Mrs. P. & feels that she did her many wrongs by coming into her home & ignoring her entirely in so many ways which it is but vexacious Corrected: vexatious to mention-

I hope that you will not see it best after all to try to down her. I fear that she went far out of the bounds of right when she assailed you in your own home. It would be highly divine to forgive it & for the feelings of her good husband & nice childrenEditorial Note: Paul Plunkett and Perl Plunkett. to let it pass. I know that she has suffered very much since over it. If she would confess the trespass it would be better. I think she was impulsive & led into it by others. If she sees that she was wrong she should apologize to you.

She is in no way associated with us now. I saw that Mrs S. & she could never work together & the reason is that Mrs. S. is a just & true woman, hence- for it & other reasons I changed my UniversityEditorial Note: Spiritual Science University last week to a stock basis & this put out every director & officer for a few hours while I was geting Corrected: getting my charter from the State on the pecuniary plan- which I got the next day. I am now associating only four other men with me as directors. Mrs P. heard that I was determined to change thus & she imperiously demanded that I should not but I could heed her no longer & she sent in her resignation through another which was produced only 4 minutes before each director was out.

I have been very unjustly assailed of late because of the venom my Mich.Expanded:Michigan work stirred with many. G [?] Unclear or illegible ood friends have been alienated by a low traducing press. Papers may have been sent you. but as true as God is Life I am innocent of every fling they make. Four Attys.Expanded:Attorneys assure me that I have clear cause of action. I have demanded retraction by one but I think that I will bring action soon vs. the Detroit Eve. JournalEditorial Note: Detroit Evening Journal.

We have much to bear in this great work of reform & many oportunities Corrected: opportunities to forgive. Sometimes I feel deeply & wish I could be excused from the work into which the FatherEditorial Note: God leads me- but I must obey God rather than my human sencesCorrected:senses-

It may seem hard to you that those whom you have intended & fitted to heal & teach should go out & seem to be against you- but after all may it not be like the birds who scatter & form their own homes after a faithful mother brought them to the possible? You led in the formative character of this great movement & my justice will always say that undying credit is due you. If many whom you counted upon to aid. seem to be against you- after all may it not be that God is leading them for the general Cause?

You will see in my Jany- Editorial that I am now turning from the physiologist Dr Merton. known as Sidartha Corrected: Sivartha who atacked Corrected: attacked you in my fi [?] Unclear or illegible rst issue Oct- 84Expanded:1884. I never had an article by him after that first one. He has many fine points but his personal God theory kills him with me- & his belief in matter.

If my the work by me & those whom God associates with our western work seems to oppose you. I think that your own fine sy [?] Unclear or illegible stem or ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science solves it in our hearts, & that if, like lawyers we work to win. still more of us will let anger nor revenge rule us. We cannot afford this. I want the babtism Corrected: baptism of Love. Justice & loyalty to Truth to reign in my home & office & I trust that a trembling lip or a tear will guide & bless those with me & never a word of hate. We are not against you but we must work for the cause- Wishing you only well.

we are ever & truly Yours
A J Swarts
Mrs Katie Swarts
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See V00914. Detroit Evening Journal God Christian Science Spiritual Science University Paul Plunkett and Perl Plunkett.