Accession: 577.59.009
Editorial Title: J. Newton Stone to Mary Baker Eddy, November 11, 1886
Author: J. Newton Stone 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 11, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by J. Newton Stone on unlined printed stationery of his grocery business, from Georgetown, Kentucky.
Archival Note: The original of this letter includes a hand-drawn symbol and line, possibly added by Mary Baker Eddy. It also includes an erased notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs M. B. G Eddy
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass
My Own dear Teacher

I have at leastAs Written:atlast succeeded in making a sale of my Grocery. & will give possession the 1st of December.

I have been wanting to write to you ever since I got home but have been waiting thinking every day I would sell & I know you would rather hear of the sale being made than anythingAs Written:any thing else Oh, Mrs Eddy. I am so rejoicedAs Written:rejoised. I feel like there has been a heavy load taken off of me. I hope when I get out of this I will be able to demonstrate: so you will be proud of me as one of your students. I have been doing some work anywayAs Written:any way even if my business has been giving me so much trouble. I will send you what one of my patients wrote me a few days agoAs Written:a go. He has had a belief of Dyspepsia As Written: Dispepsia for many years, & also a belief of PsoriasisAs Written:Paerasasis. He lives Thirty miles from here & I haven't As Written: havent seen him since I began to treat him. so you may judge from what he writes whether he has been benefited or not. I have been going to Lexington the last 2 Sundays to Sunday As Written: Sundy School. There is only a few of us that meet but we enjoy it very much & hope we will have a large class very soon I am exceedingly anxious to learn & hope there will be nothing after this to hinder me. I would rather work in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science than anythingAs Written:any thing on earth. There is nothing that gives me more satisfaction than to know that I am the instrument through which the Lord destroys the belief of sin & sickness. For when The belief yields As Written: yealds then I know the Lord is with me & hears my praise. what can make anyoneAs Written:any one more happy? Nothing on earth Oh how I would love to be able to express my views & feelings on paper to you, but can't As Written: cant do it just now but hope somedayAs Written:some day I will be able. I am stealing a little time now to write this because I have made as sale & knowing you would be glad to hear it I write now. Hope you are still blessed with the privilege As Written: privalige of going on with your good work & the Lord will continue to watch over you & reveal himself to you that you may be able to do your work with more ease every day, & will say also if I can be of any service As Written: servis to you at any time I will gladly serve you. Don't As Written: Dont hesitate to say for I am ready & willing at any time with a short notice

Hope you will excuse this letterheadAs Written:letter head as I have no other paper at present, would be glad to get a letter from if you can spare As Written: spair the time to drop me a few lines. Got a letter this morning from my sister Mrs Lancaster urging me to hurry & wind my business up & come to LexingtonEditorial Note: Lexington, Kentucky. & sister Betty wants me to come to ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois Can't As Written: Cant say what I will do yet

Much love to you & all of the Students

Yours sincerely
J. N. Stone
Handshift:Mary Baker Eddy
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs M. B. G Eddy
Boston MassExpanded:Massachusetts
My Own dear Teacher

I have atlastCorrected:at least succeeded in making a sale of my Grocery. & will give possession the 1st of December.

I have been wanting to write to you ever since I got home but have been waiting thinking every day I would sell & I know you would rather hear of the sale being made than any thingCorrected:anything else Oh, Mrs Eddy. I am so rejoisedCorrected:rejoiced. I feel like there has been a heavy load taken off of me. I hope when I get out of this I will be able to demonstrate: so you will be proud of me as one of your students. I have been doing some work any wayCorrected:anyway even if my business has been giving me so much trouble. I will send you what one of my patients wrote me a few days a goCorrected:ago. He has had a belief of Dispepsia Corrected: Dyspepsia for many years, & also a belief of PaerasasisCorrected:Psoriasis. He lives Thirty miles from here & I havent Corrected: haven't seen him since I began to treat him. so you may judge from what he writes whether he has been benefited or not. I have been going to Lexington the last 2 Sundays to Sundy Corrected: Sunday School. There is only a few of us that meet but we enjoy it very much & hope we will have a large class very soon I am exceedingly anxious to learn & hope there will be nothing after this to hinder me. I would rather work in scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science than any thingCorrected:anything on earth. There is nothing that gives me more satisfaction than to know that I am the instrument through which the Lord destroys the belief of sin & sickness. For when The belief yealds Corrected: yields then I know the Lord is with me & hears my praise. what can make any oneCorrected:anyone more happy? Nothing on earth Oh how I would love to be able to express my views & feelings on paper to you, but cant Corrected: can't do it just now but hope some dayCorrected:someday I will be able. I am stealing a little time now to write theis because I have made as sale & knowing you would be glad to hear it I write now. Hope you are still blessed with the privalige Corrected: privilege of going on with your good work & the Lord will continue to watch over you & reveal himself to you that you may be able to do your work with more ease every day, & will say also if I can be of any servis Corrected: service to you at any time I will gladly serve you. Dont Corrected: Don't hesitate to say for I am ready & willing at any time with a short notice

Hope you will excuse this letter headCorrected:letterhead as I have no other paper at present, would be glad to get a letter from if you can spair Corrected: spare the time to drop me a few lines. Got a letter this morning from my sister Mrs Lancaster urging me to hurry & wind my business up & come to LexingtonEditorial Note: Lexington, Kentucky. & sister Betty wants me to come to ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois Cant Corrected: Can't say what I will do yet

Much love to you & all of the Students

Yours sincerely
J. N. Stone
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyIsn't this good brother Gill?
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Christian Science Lexington, Kentucky Chicago, Illinois