Enclosed please find express order for five sixty five ($5.65.)Editorial Note: $5.65 in 1885 is the equivalent of $149.56 in 2019.
The "Tribunes"Editorial Note: Chicago Tribune I send you cost 10 ctsEditorial Note: $.10 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2.65 in 2019. a piece & 4 ctsEditorial Note: $.04 in 1885 is the equivalent of $1.06 in 2019. postage, which pays the last bill for H. S. Please acknowledge the receipt of the same.
I have refused again & again in the past months to teach anyone As Written: any one
Not only because I wanted the Normal Lectures first; but more because I shrink from the responsibility. I have a practice now that is paying my debts and making me independent of any need to teach for the sake of earning oneEditorial Note: $100.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $2,647.00 in 2019. or two hundred dollarsEditorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,294.00 in 2019. quickly. But God has placed me in this great CityEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois to defend you & the glorious cause of "Truth"Editorial Note: Christian Science among the Churches. The Stalwarts in Churches of all denomination have been coming to me for a year past; but in the last ninety days, as the battle grows apace & "Truth" rolls on shaking the old foundations & making conquests on every side; they say brother Morrell if you can show us that this is of God we will what you say. To illustrate: A Baptist deacon of one of our largest churches who stands the pier among the laymen, in that he has had more conversions as the result of his Christian labor, out of business hours, on the Sabbath, than any pastor in the City.
He has been in years past a spiritual father to me. He sent me word by a mutual friend after reading your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.: that he was fearful, that his son in the gospel was going to make shipwreck of the Faith. After a quiet hour talking him of Truth's power in healing the sick and converting the sinnerAs Written: siner, as it had transpired in my office from time to time. & showing him what God had done and not poor humble me: he said "it is wonderful it is glorious" "Go on & God bless you"
Then he turned around & brought me one of God's dear ones to be healed
This is but one instance of not one score, but scores of persons in the churches who have come to me in this way and then came to be healed, or bring their friends, or want to study & know the Truth; Not to practice in all cases; but to benefit themselves & families.
I have referred such ones to members of the Normal Class who have recently returned from the College
In three instances at least, persons have talked with members of the Normal Class & then returned to me, still insisting I should teach them without having had the benefit of the Normal course.
You have known always my determination to climb so high in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science as God will permit me to.
That I have given my life to this work for Truth's sake. That I have endured poverty & privation to gain what I have, and now this seems to be God's call, to help these people. They have offered to pay my tuition & expenses to Boston for the Normal Course.
You will remember that the Messrs ShermanEditorial Note: Bradford Sherman and Roger Sherman came to you first in Feb 1884. I took the course with you in the following May, so that if you are to have another Normal Class soon, my second course would be about the same number of months after the first course as theirs.
Therefore I will ask the following questions which you will please answer by return mail.
First, When do you form the next Normal Class. Second, Will you receive me as a member of that class because of the above circumstances.
Third If you are not to form a class within sixty days will you give the six lectures private? and what would be the extra cost, for the private lessons?
If the two first question cover the ground please telegraph your answer at my expense.
A sugar loaf is very small by the side of a Mountain: but we have mountains called sugar loafEditorial Note: This is probably a reference to Sugarloaf Mountain in Carrabassett Valley, Maine. because of the similarity. Peter's mission was to the Jews, Paul’s to the Gentiles. I seem to be the Peter to the churches here for scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science.
But I am the sugar loaf & Peter the mountain.
I want to hear from you at once, because of many preparations to make before I can leave and it is very necessary I should be in Chicago April 26th to 28th