Accession: 563.59.013
Editorial Title: C. F. Morrill to Mary Baker Eddy, October 17, 1884
Author: C. F. Morrill 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 17, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. F. Morrill on his lined printed stationery, from Chicago, Illinois.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Tell Mrs. Hopkins I cannot write for the “Journal” at present.

We had a very excellent meeting yesterday.

All your suggestions made to Sister Brown were accepted as the best thing for our association. We wait on expected communication from you that further concerns us.

At my suggestion BrothersAs Written:Bro’s. Avery & Roger Sherman were appointed a permanentAs Written:permant committeeAs Written:comt. on newspaper publications. Your card in the “News” will be in other papers unless we concludedAs Written:conclued the article regarding the SwartsAs Written:Swartze paper is more helpful. Likely bothAs Written:bothe will be in ere long.

BrotherAs Written:Bro. Bradford Sherman visited the AssociationAs Written:Asso. yesterday but did not give us his name. think he will soon and expressed a wish to help us in money matters now.

There will be a Students meeting Sunday P.M. Oct. 26 at the home of Sister Noyes.

With love from all as ever

Yours in “Truth”
C.F. Morrill
SecretaryAs Written:Sec’y

Sister Brown thinks our baby girl is the first among the members of C.S.A.Editorial Note: This is a reference, not to the Christian Scientist Association composed of Mary Baker Eddy’s students, but to an association of Eddy’s students and other Christian Scientists in the greater Chicago area.

Do you think so?


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Tell Mrs. Hopkins I cannot write for the “Journal” at present.

We had a very excellent meeting yesterday.

All your suggestions made to Sister Brown were accepted as the best thing for our association. We wait on expected communication from you that further concerns us.

At my suggestion Bro’s.Expanded:Brothers Avery & Roger Sherman were appointed a permantCorrected:permanent comt.Expanded:committee on newspaper publications. Your card in the “News” will be in other papers unless we concluedCorrected:concluded the article regarding the SwartzeCorrected:Swarts paper is more helpful. Likely botheCorrected:both will be in ere long.

Bro.Expanded:Brother Bradford Sherman visited us the Asso.Expanded:Association yesterday but did not give us his name. think he will soon and expressed a wish to help us in money matters now.

There will be a Students meeting Sunday P.M. Oct. 26 at the home of Sister Noyes.

With love from all as ever

Yours in “Truth”
C.F. Morrill

Sister Brown thinks our baby girl is the first among the members of C.S.A.Editorial Note: This is a reference, not to the Christian Scientist Association composed of Mary Baker Eddy’s students, but to an association of Eddy’s students and other Christian Scientists in the greater Chicago area.

Do you think so?


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This is a reference, not to the Christian Scientist Association composed of Mary Baker Eddy’s students, but to an association of Eddy’s students and other Christian Scientists in the greater Chicago area.