Accession: 548.58.008
Editorial Title: Edward N. Harris to Calvin A. Frye, October 14, 1885
Author: Edward N. Harris 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: October 14, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Edward N. Harris on unlined paper from Boston, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Dr. Frye,

Will you please inform Mrs. Eddy that my address delivered before the Society of Dentists, is published in full in the Sept. numberAs Written:no. of the American Journal of Dental Science, an old and highly respectable monthly, published in BaltimoreEditorial Note: Baltimore, Maryland and LondonEditorial Note: London, England, and the editor gave it the choicest place in his Columns, the leading article. I have just written a line to him expressing my thanks for the compliment and asking for a few copies of the Journal, and as soon as received I will forward one to Mrs. Eddy. I have also recently received a letter from Dr. Geo. S. Meigs, Dentist, New York, full of enthusiasm for Christian Science and he will at an early day introduce the subject to one of the dental societies there. I have advised him strongly to come on to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts this winter and take a course of instruction with Mrs. Eddy.

Yours Very Truly,
E N Harris.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My Dear Dr. Frye,

Will you please inform Mrs. Eddy that my address delivered before the Society of Dentists, is published in full in the Sept. no.Expanded:number of the American Journal of Dental Science, an old and highly respectable monthly, published in BaltimoreEditorial Note: Baltimore, Maryland and LondonEditorial Note: London, England, and the editor gave it the choicest place in his Columns, the leading article. I have just written a line to him thanking expressing my thanks for the compliment and asking for a few copies of the Journal, and as soon as received I will forward one to Mrs. Eddy. I have also recently received a letter from Dr. Geo. S. Meigs, Dentist, New York, full of enthusiasm for Christian Science and he will at an early day introduce the subject to one of the dental societies there. I have advised him strongly to come on to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts this winter and take a course of instruction with Mrs. Eddy.

Yours Very Truly,
E N Harris.
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Baltimore, Maryland London, England Boston, Massachusetts