Accession: 533.57.015
Editorial Title: Serah “Sarah” M. Cowen to Mary Baker Eddy, November 22, 1886
Author: Serah “Sarah” M. Cowen 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: November 22, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Serah “Sarah” M. Cowen on embossed lined paper from Worcester, Massachusetts.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I suppose in order to enter your next Normal Class, I must send my application in, as soon as possible – intended to have written last week, but failed to find the time to do so. I hope to be able to take that course, if you have room for me, & I have the money ready, & had I not a prospect of that, should not write now – but I may yet be disappointed.– I hope not for I wish to avail myself of every opportunity in my power, to grow in the knowledge & understanding of Christian Science. I am one of the nine who studied nearly two years ago, with Mrs Leavitt as teacher & was allowed to go through again with the class taught here in May, by Mrs. Crosse, which to me was a great privilege. Probably Mrs. Crosse would be the one to refer to, as she has a more recent acquaintance with me than Mrs- Leavitt. I wish that I lived nearer Boston, that I might attend the Sunday services, as I did yesterday & always do when I can. Hoping to hear from you at your earliest opportunity I remain

Yours with much love
S. M. Cowen.

I should have said that I have demonstrated more, or less, every day since I accepted the work, in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science-

S. M. C.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

I suppose in order to enter your next Normal Class, I must send my application in, as soon as possible – intended to have written last week, but failed to find the time to do so. I hope to be able to take that course, if you have room for me, & I have the money ready, & had I not a prospect of that, should not write now – but I may yet be disappointed.– I hope not for I wish to avail myself of every opportunity in my power, to grow in the knowledge & understanding ofS Christian Science. I am one of the nine who studied nearly two years ago, with Mrs Leavitt as teacher & was allowed to go through again with the class taught here in May, by Mrs. Crosse, which to me was a great privilege. Probably Mrs. Crosse would be the one to refer to, as she has a more recent acquaintance with me than Mrs- Leavitt. I wish that I lived nearer Boston, that I might attend the Sunday services, as I did yesterday & always do when I can. Hoping to hear from you at your earliest opportunity I remain

Yours with much love
S. M. Cowen.

I should have said that I have demonstrated more, or less, every day since I accepted the work, in ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science-

S. M. C.

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