⇉ Handshift:Charlotte W. CoburnEast CambridgeEditorial Note: East Cambridge, Massachusetts Aug. 28 - 1885
I wrote to youEditorial Note: See 532.57.006. about three weeks ago - asking you to name a day when I could call upon you, as I wished to talk with you. I have received no reply. I have called at your house. I wished to talk with you about learning "Christian Science", I studied what I supposed was "Christian Science" with Mrs Stark of Hyde Park, but am convinced that I have not been taught the same that you teach. I did not read your work "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy till a short time ago, and when I saw that I was in the wrong I wished to be set right. I studied over a year ago, & if I had read your work "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy at that time I would have seen then that I needed different teaching. Mrs Stark studied with Mrs StewartEditorial Note: Possibly Elizabeth G. Stuart.. I never saw Mrs StewartEditorial Note: Possibly Elizabeth G. Stuart., Now Mrs Eddy please tell me what I can do. I wish to be taught by you, who discovered this wonderful "Science,"Editorial Note: Christian Science if I cannot learn of you what will I do; I hope to join the next class that you teach, and will hope that you will name a day that I can call upon you & talk with you,