Charlotte W. Coburn
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Charlotte W. Coburn (1837-1915) was born in Brunswick, Maine, and died in Brookline, Massachusetts. She worked as a mental healer and prison matron. Coburn joined The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, in December 1892. She was listed as a Christian Science practitioner in the directory of The Christian Science Journal from 1902 until her passing in 1915.

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Charlotte W. Coburn
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Charlotte W. Coburn (1837-1915) was born in Brunswick, Maine, and died in Brookline, Massachusetts. She worked as a mental healer and prison matron. Coburn joined The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, in December 1892. She was listed as a Christian Science practitioner in the directory of The Christian Science Journal from 1902 until her passing in 1915.

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