I receivedAs Written:rec.d the special delivery last Evening The whole order I sent to Mr Nixson at one o'clockAs Written:oclock todayAs Written:to day- I have not sold a book or pamphlet As Written: panphlet of any description, excepting yours & Mr Nixon's As Written: Nixon orders. since you went away. I think I found the typewrittenAs Written:type written sheet of paper all right just where you said but the book that you sent for I cannotAs Written:can not find where you said or anywhereAs Written:any where-
I receivedAs Written:rec.d Mrs Eddys letter and was much As Written: muech pleased to hear that her dress was all right if nothing As Written: mothing happens I think I will send the other one tomorrow. one of the painters is still here I hope he will get through Thursday And I hope now that you will all stay now until I get the house all cleaned up
I am getting along nicely.